Yearly Archives: 2009

Census 2010 Under-reporting initiatives

Interesting article below about Census Outreach. Author believes that more resources should be allocated to newspapers to reach the community. I agree that more needs to be done to reach minorities but NOT sure that newspapers are the right medium. I think he is spot on about the Mainstream Media Agency possibly being out ofRead… Read more »

The Hokie Guru (Govloop’s Bureaucrat on Sports)… The SEC College Football Preview!!

The Hokie Guru caught up on a movie last night… Something New… You did what? With who? Well, can he? It’s everything that it’s advertised… the Hokie Guru loved it… you need to see it. Let’s get hyped up!!!! Let’s get it started… with the Conference that’s won the last three national championships… the SoutheasternRead… Read more »

Politics as Usual?

Working in Washington DC for the last 30 years has affected me. I take all the politics in the local news for granted. Here in DC we eat, drink, and breathe politics. Nearly every story is tainted with it. Some years ago I was in Omaha, Nebraska on a business trip. Yes, Omaha, Nebraska. IRead… Read more »

The Decision Tree

In my experience as an executive coach, I have seen how some managers—particularly those who are new in their leadership roles—have struggled with the concept of delegation. Managers who wisely and effectively delegate are able to accomplish much more than those who lasso and corral the tasks that their employees should be doing themselves. ReasonsRead… Read more »

Americans Claim to Like Diverse Communities but Do They Really?

Below is a link to the blog “Social Capital”. This blog discusses the impact and role of social capital as it relates to building a civic society. The PEW Research Center released a study on social segregation that is truly eye opening and illustrates the difficulty in achieveing an integrated society as well as workplace.Read… Read more »

How our segregated neighborhoods reflect our segregated workplaces

PBS produced a documentary with a corresponding website titiled,”Race: The Power of an Illusion”. This documentary details all the major issues surrounding race, it’s legacy, it’s origination, and the discrimination and predjudice that still exists today as a result of racial bigotry. The current atmosphere in today’s business world is that the isms (racism, sexism,Read… Read more »

Great DHS SOA/ESB/NIEM Topic to Follow at the Upcoming NIEM Training Event

Look for this very important NIEM topic at the upcoming NIEM Training event: “Implementing NIEM as a Canonical Model for Information Sharing at DHS/USCIS”. This presentation will be given by Hector Alicea, HLA & Associates, LLC ( ) on behalf of DHS USCIS… From the NIEM Training Event agenda ( ): “This presentationRead… Read more »