Yearly Archives: 2009

28 reasons why organisations avoid social media – (try it as bingo)

Jeff Bullas has written a fantastic post, 28 Reasons Why The CEO Is Afraid Of Social Media, which lists many of the reasons given by organisations when resisting getting involved with online social media. While he’s followed up with another great post addressing many of these concerns, 9 Ways To Convince The CEO To UseRead… Read more »

NASA innovation prizes – liveblogging from #pfgov

Centennial Challenges NASA prizes for the citizen inventor Diana Palmer Hoyt Manager, Strategic Planning Innovative Partnerships Program, NASA HQ Why does NASA offer prizes / challenges? Because what we do is very difficult, and we’re looking for heroic solutions to the grand challenges of our vision. Well-executed, smart Prize programs hold the promise to deliverRead… Read more »

Gov20 Collaboration Best Practices – Dan Munz at #pfgov

Shaping a Public Dialogue What works (we think!) Dan Munz @dan_munz NAPA National Academy of Public Administration Founded by former NASA head looking for expert management advice Our mission / vision questions are around: How can we make government better, more effective, more accessible, etc. Collaborative tools are mainstream Nearly every federal agency has figuredRead… Read more »

ForgeMil liveblogging “Community development is a contact sport”

Guy Martin, Community Manager [email protected] @guyma @ForgeMil “Government community development is a contact sport” @guyma @ForgeMil #pfgov #gov20 Vision: Develop a streamlined software development process for GIG (Global Information Grid) DoD Approach: Collaborative environment supporting all stakeholders through the lifecycle Why are we doing this? (Community Rationale) Software code has become central toRead… Read more »

Federal IT Dashboard: Putting the “R” in ROI

Kudos to OMB and Federal agencies for completing the ratings of 100% of their major IT investments, which by the way was no small undertaking . So we now have a complete and well presented view via the Federal IT Dashboard ( of how well our “major” Federal IT investments are adhering to cost, scheduleRead… Read more »

TSA IdeaFactory – Liveblogging Gov20 symposium

TSA IdeaFactory Tina Cariola, Program Manager, TSA Web-based tool empowering employing to submit ideas, provide comments on how to improve new concepts, etc. IdeaFactory launched in April 2007 to address 3 key needs: Engage employees — 50,000+ workforce spread all over the country Collect constant fresh input about how to improve safety and operations DisseminateRead… Read more »

State Dept: Liveblogging Public Diplomacy / Gov 2.0 Innovation Dr Jonathan Margolis

Dr. Jonathan Margolis, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Gov 2.0 Innovation / Public Diplomacy Mission: Engage, inform and influence foreign audiences in discussions about topics that are central to US interests. How will we use Web 2.0 tools and technologies to achieve this mission? One solution follows: Democracy video challenge: Challenge young filmmakers, democracy advocatesRead… Read more »

States Brace for Upcoming Stimulus Deadline

Posted Originally to Bright Side of Government By Kristin Bockius, State & Local Government Social Media Marketing Manager Federal budget watchdogs and other observers know that agencies historically have reported the performance results for their spending and programs at the end of each fiscal year as required by the Government Performance and Results Act. InRead… Read more »