Yearly Archives: 2009

GovLoop Project of the Week – ActiveGovernment

It seems more people are trying to be more involved and active in the cities and counties in which they live; me included. With the advancement of technology and the ability to handle multiple tasks online, there is no doubt a greater need for cities and counties to beef up their online systems for citizenRead… Read more »

Leadership Reflections Part 4 – December 28, 2001

From my Blog Gerry La Londe-Berg, written December 28, 2001 Here are several lessons I’ve learned about leadership, supervision and management (three distinct things). The very first lesson I recall learning about management came from a camp director when I was a sophomore in high school. Steve Noceti told me, “If you want toRead… Read more »

Leadership Reflections Part 3 – Leadership Managment and Supervision

From Leadership descriptions and configurations of the roles of leadership, management and supervision vary widely. I have come to the conclusion that there can never be a final answer because no one can understand and implement their understanding in their lifetime. What we can do is accept that there are many fine people who wouldRead… Read more »

NAFTA Wink-Nudge Stalls Mexico’s Trucking in US

The US-Mexican ‘”frontera” is a hot spot for turf rumbles and tariff tussles, on a personal and national scale. At this month’s Leaders Summit in Guadalajara. Presidents Calderon and Obama and Prime Minister Harper classically ducked the thorny subject of NAFTA’s stalled agreement for bi-national trucking reciprocity for Mexico. I suppose Mr. Harper got smartRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Postal Service Offers Employees Buyouts to Quit

The Postal Service is offering up to $450 million to employees if they will agree to quit their jobs, it announced Tuesday, the latest effort by the financially struggling agency to reduce its costs amid a sharp decline in mail volume. Up to 30,000 employees can take the $15,000 bonus, which the Postal Service describesRead… Read more »

Keynote Speaker Announced for upcoming Defense Systems Seminar – Norfolk, VA

Robert F. Lentz, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Cyber, Identity and IA & Chief IA Officer, U.S. Department of Defense, will be speaking at the Cyber Security and Information Assurance Seminar on October 15th at the Norfolk Waterside Marriott. Robert F. Lentz has over 26 years of experience with the National Security Agency (NSA)Read… Read more »

Career Development Resources at the National Library of Medicine® (NLM®)

The National Library of Medicine (NLM) responds to more than 100,000 questions each year. Regularly asked questions become Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). NLM Reference and Consumer Health FAQs are at Our FAQs are reviewed and updated frequently. The FAQs link to resources at NLM, national and international government agencies, and non-profit organizations. Four ofRead… Read more »

OPM and the Federal Hiring Process

From OPM decides to keep application form on USAJobs By Alyssa Rosenberg 08/24/2009 The Office of Personnel Management will continue using a job application form it had considered removing from USAJobs, but the agency has asked for comment on whether the form imposes too great a burden on human resources offices. The Optional FormRead… Read more »

Social Media and Preparations For the 2009-H1N1 Influenza Epidemic

By Dennis D. McDonald, Ph.D. The Executive Office of the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology’s U.S. Preparations For the 2009-H1N1 Influenza is a long and sobering document. Dated August 7, 2009, the report discusses a long list of critical issues and recommendations that need to be addressed now. Among other things, theRead… Read more »