Yearly Archives: 2009

Survive and Thrive: Adjust Pricing

Pricing adjustment is key to having a successful sale in a recession. It is a best practice to continuously monitor your prices of goods and/or services in your industry. Competitive Pricing The first step in competitive pricing is to check your competitors’ prices in person or online. If you cannot beat your competitor, offer somethingRead… Read more »

6 IT trends government IT managers should be wary of — Government Computer News

Interesting editorial: I say “editorial” because it’s very much an (albeit educated) opinion of the author (Michael Daconta), and I’m not sure I agree with all of it. I guess I’m usually more of a mind to make these new ideas work in a government environment rather than saying a given technology is “tooRead… Read more »

Bull market? Then sentiment may not be too bullish

Good morning! It’s your weekly dose of TSP Talk. This market commentary is updated daily on Stocks dropped sharply on Friday after a weaker than expected Consumer Confidence report, but there was some late buying. The TSP stock funds lost between 0.5% and 1.5% on the day, while bonds were up slightly. The MichiganRead… Read more »

Web File size

As we talked about earlier I wanted to follow up with an email. We as DIT, want to keep the bandwidth and storage as low as possible because that is an easy way to save money. But we want to give great quality of service to our customers. To accomplish all of those goals itRead… Read more »

Member of Week: Lovisa Williams, Department of State

LOVISA WILLIAMS: GOVLOOP MEMBER OF THE WEEK (and general rockstar) By Andy Krzmarzick Few people in the Government 2.0 space are focusing on the international aspects of social media, such as what we can learn from other countries that are implementing and how it can be used to bridge geographical and cultural divides. Enter LovisaRead… Read more »

The Hokie Guru (Govloop’s Bureacurat on Sports) is back… it’s time for the Atlantic Coast Conference College Football Preview!!

What is going on, rock stars? The Hokie Guru is sure this is already on the site, but to be honest, he’s been a tiny bit delinquent on engaging himself in the great dialoge on Govloop (he took a well deserved vacation). Here goes, anyway… federal agencies are increasing their use of student loan repaymentRead… Read more »

1 in 7 NEET young people died within 10 years in a recent study

A recent study in the North of England showed that one in seven 16-24 year old ‘NEETs’ – those not in Education, Employment or Training – died within ten years of falling out of the system. Following this report Jon Coles, the director general of schools, said he was ‘profoundly shocked’. 21 years ago IRead… Read more »