Yearly Archives: 2009

Oh! The wonders of Space!

Check out this story. Saturn’s Moon with a Tropical Storm – So very interesting!|classic|dl1|link3|


I think microblogging inside organizations can be a transformative, disruptive technology to enable faster, more succinct communications. Anyone using microblogging inside their firewall? How is it helping or hindering work, results, and decision making? Do you think microblogging is useful for collaboration, instant messaging, status sharing, and situational awareness? Do you know of any successRead… Read more »


I am celebrating my B-Day today! It really is in a few days, but since I am working that day, I am chilling here at home! So how am I spending my non-B-day you may ask? I am spending it surfing the internet. 😉 Somepeople may say that sounds crazy. BUT, I love the internet!Read… Read more »

Our next big step

The next major step in our Web 2.0 initiative will be the launch of our online training project. A number of months ago, as you may remember, I started working with Moodle to present an online training option. Over the summer we have had an extra employee, one that is shared with our elections department,Read… Read more »

Is PASS ID Better Than REAL ID? (Analysis)

The deadline for REAL ID implementation is fast approaching. Under current rules, states participating in REAL ID must begin issuing compliant drivers’ licenses by December 31, 2009. That is, unless, these states have applied for an extension to May 11, 2011. Of course, there are also 23 states that have passed legislation partially or completelyRead… Read more »