Yearly Archives: 2009

Our History of Polite Political Dissent

In 1832 in a political attack on President Jackson’s policies, Congressman William Stanbery of Ohio made allegations against Sam Houston, a native Virginian, former congressman from Tennessee, and Jackson supporter who was in Washington to lobby for better treatment of the Cherokee. Incensed, Houston confronted Stanbery outside his boardinghouse and the argument led to HoustonRead… Read more »

The Dynamics of Creative Leadership-Partnership: Forces and Concepts for Transforming Change and Conflict into Creativity and Community

What does it take to be a creative leader? I definitely have been giving this some thought, developing and increasingly applying three programs in the past two years:  “Transforming Change and Conflict into ‘Passion Power’: The Art of Inspiring Leadership”  “Does Your Organization Need a Jolt of CPR – Generating Creativity, Passion andRead… Read more »

From my friend David Axelrod and the White House

From my friend David Axelrod and the White House by Donna L. Quesinberry, Government Business Examiner Dear Friend, This is probably one of the longest emails I’ve ever sent, but it could be the most important. Across the country we are seeing vigorous debate about health insurance reform. Unfortunately, some of the old tactics weRead… Read more »

The Debate Over Cookies

I have been following the government’s dicussion regarding the federal cookie policy. I even posted on the blog because I feel the policy is holding agencies back from offering dynamic web services. However, since the issue has come to the forefront, the media is taking notice. I came across a story today the reinforces justRead… Read more »

Funny Old Swine Flu

Here at my workplace they’re slowly but surely starting to get worried about the swine flu pandemic. Or Mexican flu, as we call it over here. Although current wisdom is that it will be no worse than our annual visiting flu strain, the simple fact that it is pandemic instead of epidemic seems to generateRead… Read more »

Could Amver Help Find Missing Russian Ship?

There is a considerable amount of attention about the missing Russian cargo vessel Arctic Sea. The Maltese flagged ship is not a participant in the Amver system and Amver vessels have not been diverted to assist in the search. The New York Times reports the ship’s management believes the vessel was hijacked. CNBC reported theRead… Read more »

Direct Mail May Fall 10% This Year

NEW YORK Add direct mail to the list of analog media being crushed by the Great Recession. – Todd Wasserman The Direct Marketing Association originally predicted that direct mail volume would only fall 1 percent this year, but the organization has revised that to as much as 10 percent. “This was mainly driven by theRead… Read more »

Resistence is Futile

I came across a Mashable Post where Reuters is telling AP to stop Whining. “This week he responded with a blog post comparing AP to the lawsuit-happy music industry, saying that the incumbents “haven’t been keeping up” and encouraging news leaders like AP to “stop whining”: “Let’s stop whining and start having real conversationsRead… Read more »