Yearly Archives: 2009

A Guest Post by Matt Gierhart(@mattgierhart) from The New Celebrity, Levelland Social Media Workshop Presenter

Over the past month, I’ve had the chance to speak with a lot of different people from various businesses and organization in the Levelland/Lubbock area. Typically, after a brief description and history of my company the first question is about the value of twitter. It’s easy to criticize or write off the social networking siteRead… Read more »

Open Source for America: A resource for the Gov2.0 CTO and other IT decison makers

With this post I’d like to tell you a bit more about the coalition Open Source for America and why I believe it is so important for our collective future. I would also like to encourage you to join this coalition yourself. Whether you represent industry, academia, non-profit organizations or are an individual technologist thisRead… Read more »

Few-Day 3

Day 3 started at eighth in the morning. I was not quite sure that it would be worth waking up for but I did it anyway. I arrived at the conference at 7:57 for my 8:00 class still clasping my coffee and half awake. I took a seat in the front to help insure thatRead… Read more »

Social media governance: can’t we all just get along?

Privacy. Records management. Accessibility. Information Security. Paperwork Reduction Act. Administrative Procedures Act. Federal Advisory Committee Act. If you’re trying to implement social media at a government agency, I’m betting at least one of those has you grinding your teeth and pulling out your hair. And if you’re like most, you’re down to a few teethRead… Read more »

City of Manor, Texas Uses Barcodes For Economic Development

For those of you interested in emerging technology, the following news stories about our community may interest you. We posted up two dimensional barcodes (called QR-codes) throughout our community that can be read by our residents (and tourist) using free software available for download on most modern camera phones. The technology we used was “FREE”Read… Read more »

Are you engaging bloggers in your media mix?

Republished from eGov AU. No-one really knows how many blogs are operated by Australians. However it could be up to 4 million, if you refer to Technorati’s State of the Blogosphere report 2008, which reported that 3% of global bloggers were Australian and over 133 million blogs had been created since 2002. Likewise Forrester’s GroundswellRead… Read more »

Stimulus Spending Needs Jidoka – The Proof Is In the Pork

Information on recently reported that the Department of Agriculture was paying $1.2 million for 2 pounds of frozen ham. In fact the contract in question actually purchased 760,000 pounds of ham for $1.191 million for food banks and homeless shelters. In response to misstated information the board overseeing refused to correct the informationRead… Read more »

Granicus Announces National Digital Governance Award Winners

Awards Distinguish Excellence in Government 2.0 San Francisco, CA – Today, Granicus, Inc announced the winners of the 2009 Digital Governance Awards. Granicus is the nation’s leading provider of integrated streaming media, legislative management, and online training solutions built to help government agencies enhance Web-based transparency, citizen participation, and communication. The awards honor government agenciesRead… Read more »