Yearly Archives: 2009

Federal Eye: NASA’s Charlie Bolden Tears Up

Charlie Bolden likes to talk — and he’s also prone to choking up. Making his first major staff appearance as NASA administrator, Bolden spoke before agency employees Tuesday at Washington headquarters along with his deputy, Lori Garver. Over the course of 35 minutes of remarks — which he admitted should have lasted for about fiveRead… Read more »

Re-Branding, a Dangerous Strategy

A while ago, in the misty dawn of internet commerce, a government agency I know decided to change its web site address, dropping its parent department and just going by WWW.WHOZIT.GOV. Needless to say this caused a storm in the user community with suddenly invalid bookmarks, frantic e-mails that the website was down, etc. TheyRead… Read more »

Ask GovLoop on Knowledge – What’s Knowledge Management?

Welcome to the first “Ask the Knowledge Expert” Post. My name is Lisa Coates and I’m here to talk to you about Knowledge Management. First off, what is Knowledge Management? According to Wikipedia, Knowledge Management (KM) comprises a range of practices used in an organization to identify, create, represent, distribute and enable adoption of insightsRead… Read more »

Planphoria Introduces Boost Tools at CMTH Technology Showcase August 11

Planphoria has been selected to present our Planphoria Boost Suite at the Emerging Technology Showcase, presented by The Capital Management Technology Hub, August 11, 6:30 pm at Brio Tuscan Grill, Tysons Corner Mall, Northern Virginia. Planphoria Boost Suite is automated management tools that simplify and improve core business processes by leveraging Web 2.0 technology. BoostRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Aneesh Chopra Seeks ‘Quick Wins’

The Obama administration’s top tech man told a crowd of web gurus on Tuesday that he’s seeking “quick wins” that demonstrate a “big impact,” aiming to aggressively expand the government’s online presence by launching tech-friendly fixes in the next six months. “Not all of these initiatives require laws… This is just about mindset,” Aneesh ChopraRead… Read more »

Please Comment on Our [NARA] New Strategic Plan

I am posting this with the permission of the NARA staff person who sent it to me. Patrice McDermott National Archives and Records Administration 8601 Adelphi Road College Park, Maryland 20740-6001 Friends, The National Archives and Records Administration is updating our Strategic Plan, Preserving the Past to Protect the Future: The Strategic Plan of theRead… Read more »

eGovernment Resource Centre launches eGovernment Forum

Republished from eGov AU. Victoria’s eGovernment Resource Centre has launched an eGovernment Forum to support the online discussion of eGovernment topics by Australian public servants and interested parties. At discussed at the site, the eGovernment Forum invites, open participation and diverse viewpoints to be shared with others relevant to the topic of eGovernment, Government 2.0,Read… Read more »