Yearly Archives: 2009

Don’t miss the event of this fall: National NIEM Trng Event in Baltimore on Sep 30- Oct 2

Come and learn about “The Tools to Make IT More Agile and Cost-Efficient!” The NIEM National Training Event, the definitive conference on the National Information Exchange Model (NIEM) and information sharing, is expected to draw more than 600 IT professionals from around the United States. The event will be held at the Hilton Baltimore inRead… Read more »

TSP Talk: Head & Shoulders Everywhere

Good morning! It’s your weekly dose of TSP Talk. Stocks were mostly lower on Friday, while bonds rallied after a weaker than expected Consumer Confidence report. The C fund dropped 0.4%, the S fund was relatively flat, the I fund lost 0.74% after some strength in the dollar, and the F-fund (bonds) was up aRead… Read more »

Equal Access, Facebook, MySpace, and Limited Resources

A couple of weeks ago, I attended the Personal Democracy Forum conference. One of the best sessions was by danah boyd (she doesn’t capitalize her name), a researcher currently working for Microsoft. She basically whacked us over the head with the fact thatdespite similar numbers, the people on Facebook aren’t the same people on MySpace.Read… Read more »

Sweet GovTweets 07.12.2009

Happy anniversary to GovLoop! Flowers for Steve (obviously, not my roses …that are full of holes from nasty Japanese beetles …) We need a Rose Garden Czar. And by the way, since we are all about transparency and such, where is the pay-scale for those 30-odd folks published? Image by Jack Duval via Flickr PartiesRead… Read more »

“How do I approach building a personal brand when I have so many diverse interests?”

A few months ago I came across the work of an intelligent, generous human being in Silicon Valley named Rajesh Setty. He is doing some interesting work at a new site, TH!NKSULTING. I appreciated his recent answer to a question that was posed to him, “I am planning to write a book. Can we brainstormRead… Read more »

The Four “R”s for a PROductive Relationship: Be Respectful, Real, Responsible and Responsive

The Four “R”s for a PROductive Relationship: The Stress Doc presents a four step, “Four ‘R’” communicational guide for building successful “give and take” professional relationships. The Four “R”s are dramatically illustrated in his recent encounter with an ENT surgeon. Many of us “Boomers” grew up with an alliterative academic mantra as educational foundation, thatRead… Read more »

FutureGov competition winner reports back from PDF09

Back in January we ran a competition to send one lucky gov lover to Washington to attend the Politics Online conference. As it turns out, once we’d got everything tied up, it was time for Personal Democracy Forum 2009, so we shifted our plans and I travelled with competition winner Liz Azyan to PDF instead!Read… Read more »