Yearly Archives: 2009

But where does DoD fit in? Review of Burton Report: Gotta, Mike. “Field Research: Actions to Take On Enterprise Social Networking”

With the DoD lagging behind in the adoption of social media in general, to include social networking, it is not an area ripe for research. Yet, with growing interest and a handful of innovative projects picking up steam, we have a need to apply what has been done on the commercial sector without much understandingRead… Read more »

Ideas on Parade

Bottom Line: you and our ideas are important. They are important to me and important to you. Ideas create tension between what we consider reality today and what will become reality tomorrow. in a perfect world, ideas tug on people’s creativity, draw criticisms and contributions from others, and help us to explore different versions ofRead… Read more »

My e-Government Santa Wish #2: an One Stop Government

This is a crosspost of Dear Santa, I hope you were able to enforce Web Accessibility on State & Local Government levels. My second wish is as challenging as the first one. Santa Art by Sophie (7 years) Each time I need a government service, I need to wade through numerous of websites toRead… Read more »

New Study Reveals Remote Workforce Challenges During Emergency Situations

Telework Exchange and Intel announced the results of the “Mobilizing Against Pandemic” study, evaluating public- and private-sector’s business continuity and mobile IT infrastructure standings. The study reveals that 81 percent of government and business IT decision makers have written business continuity plans. However, the study finds an inflated IT confidence – both sectors report implementationRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: White House release open government plans

Federal agencies have four months to become more open, transparent and cooperative with the public’s requests for information, according to new orders issued Tuesday by the White House. The changes deliver a big victory to open government groups have long sought to transform how the government presents and shares information with the general public. OutlinedRead… Read more »

Open Gov Directive Hits the Streets (in an oh so ironic way)

So the White House released the long-awaited Open Government Directive this morning, appropriately accompanied by a live videostream at both the White House site and on FaceBook with Federal CTO Aneesh Chopra, Federal CIO Vivek Kundra and new media director Macon Phillips. With only time for a quick glance through the directive (it wasn’t madeRead… Read more »

Open Government Directive – Read and Discuss It Here

For your convenience, we’ve uploaded the Open Government Directive to our Scribd site and embedded it here for quick review, dissemination and dialogue. What are your initial thoughts? You may also be interested in these forum discussions: 1. Is your agency ready for open gov? 2. How do you define government transparency? Open Gov DirectiveRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Camp Los Angeles Roomies?

I am undoubtedly making the trip to the West coast for February’s Gov 2.0 Camp LA and looking forward to a new venue and, hopefully, killer new ideas. Although the actual brick and mortar venue has yet to be determined – anyone interested in splitting a hotel room on-site or near by? Drop me aRead… Read more »