Yearly Archives: 2009

More Enterprise 2.0 Must Haves – Status Updates and Measurement

Happy Friday! Here’s the last two enterprise 2.0 principles from my recent guide. Principle #9 – Status Updates Consumer social networking has driven the status update phenomenon, with most services including function so we can see what our friends, family, coworkers and other associates are up to. While it may seem that the status updateRead… Read more »

Sweet Gov Conference Tweets – Social Media Strategies for DoD and Government (#idga)

Social Media Strategies for DoD and Government held June 23-25, 2009 at the Hilton McClean Tyson’s Corner (IDGA = Institute for Defense and Government Advancement) Here are the Twitter-related stats for this conference followed by the Twitter stream: * 765 tweets * 49 contributors * 109.3 tweets per day * 86.8% come from “The TopRead… Read more »

Initiating a Corporate Social Media Presence – Unleash Your Inner Star Power

Social Media’s a scary animal, especially for companies or organizations that are accountable to stakeholders, policy, law or any other governing entity that exists to mitigate risk. Also, social media is an online collaboration channel and tools domain that’s most appropriately and effectively utilized by humans, i.e. individual personalities (preferably employees) – vs. corporate personasRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Grassley Presses Obama on Watchdogs

Sen. Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa) this week suggested that the Obama administration is attempting to interfere with investigations conducted by government watchdogs and said he will continue to press the White House for information regarding the recent dismissal of Gerald Walpin, the inspector general for the Corporation for National and Community Service. “I kind ofRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Eye Opener: Your Government is Twittering

Happy Thursday! The folks at have put together a great list (or what they call “The Feed”) of the Twitter feeds of government agencies. The page is broken down into several categories, including business and finance, defense and diplomacy, law enforcement, government at work and the White House. Recent activity includes a warning fromRead… Read more »

Greek Amver Tanker Rescues 7 Fishermen

A Greek oil tanker participating in the Amver system was contacted by a United States Coast Guard long range surveillance aircraft and diverted to rescue seven Ecuadorian fishermen after their boat sank 170 miles off the Columbia Ecuador coast June 5, 2009. Tanker To The Rescue The tanker Andes, en route to Esmeraldas to loadRead… Read more »

Sweet GovTweets 06.24.2009

Good evening! Today’s Tweet stream is about a quarter of the one yesterday, but very interesting. Enjoy. Cordially, Caroline Twitter @WiiPigSooie Blog WiiPigSooie opencode: Open Source #opensource: Hotel WiFi Disservice… (expand ) 2 minutes ago from web • Reply • View Tweet lhawthorn: Heading for a drink with @msurman to plot world domination ofRead… Read more »