Yearly Archives: 2009

The role of conflict and mediation in collaboration

As newer, web-enabled forms of collaboration have been gathering steam at all levels of government, it’s common to hear the discussion be all about the positive and little about the negative. But clearly, an ability to accommodate criticism, disagreement, and passionate debate are important aspects of a productive collaboration. The media coverage of the stolenRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Eye Opener: Open Government Plan announced

Happy Tuesday! The Eye is feeling MUCH better after flu-like symptoms over the weekend (thanks for asking). Send good vibes towards Mrs. Eye, who’s still recuperating at home. The Obama administration launches its Open Government Plan today at 11 a.m. ET. Chief Information Officer Vivek Kundra and Chief Technology Officer Aneesh Chopra roll out theRead… Read more »

Innovation Small Business Incubator Start-up Partnership Plan – Lance Winslow

By Lance Winslow Many countries are busy pouring money into R and D programs and yet, the United States, undeniably the most innovative and entrepreneurial nation in the world over the last century appears to be slipping a little, but one has to ask why? After all, with the abundance of freedom, liberty, and free-marketRead… Read more »

Social Media–Cause they’re already bad mouthing you anyway

I think one of the most compelling arguments to engage in the social media world for government public relations folks simply lies in being part of the conversation that is occurring already. This has always been obvious to me but it really came to mind while I attended the Department of Defense All Services SocialRead… Read more »

How-To: Give Your Next Keynote Slideshow From Your iPhone

When I go to conferences where I’m presenting, I typically give my presentations using Keynote on the Mac. What I don’t like is not having a remote device to control my presentation and I don’t feel like going out and spending too much money on one…even if my work would pay for it. However, aRead… Read more »

Contract Negotiating Lessons from Hell: the DMV

Every interaction is a negotiation, even at the DMV. You can use these lessons to strengthen your contract negotiation skills. Long lines. Paperwork. Inconsistent information. No smiling (in Virginia at least). Yes, the DMV truly is hell. And yet, there is help — use negotiation skills to make friends with DMV employees. It pays off.Read… Read more »

Why IT Projects Fail

Jon Fullinwider, former CIO for the County of Los Angeles, blogs about why IT projects fail in this multi-part blog series. This entry addresses the “project plan” or lack of. An interesting article from someone with a lot of public sector IT experience.

Virtualization Security

Andrew Ridner, from Govplace, recently blogged about virtualization security. It’s an interesting post with tactical security recommendations.