Yearly Archives: 2009

How Australian journalists are using Twitter

Republished from eGovAU. If you’ve been attempting to advocate the use of Twitter for your Department or Agency, as I know a couple of people have been attempting to do, this article by MediaShift on How Journalists Are Using Twitter in Australia provides some large calibre ammunition. So does this Internal Comms Hub report discussingRead… Read more »

Twitter Guidelines for Local Government

Below is a near-final draft of Roanoke County, Virginia’s Twitter Guidelines. This is structured as a working guideline document to help guide our local county departments on how to implement Twitter, appropriate usage, while lending some oversight authority to our Web 2.0 Working Group (cross-departmental collection of Web 2.0 geeks). Our county could probably fieldRead… Read more »

New blog on

Hi all, Starting next week, I’ll be writing a new blog for called Wired Workplace. I’ll be focusing on workplace issues of particular relevance to employees who work in the federal information technology arena. Those issues will include the generational divide, use of collaborative technologies, training issues, pay and benefits and recruitment and retentionRead… Read more »

UK runs a localgovcamp

Following the enormously successful second BarcampUKGovweb, held at the Ministry of Justice in January, digital enabler Dave Briggs got to organising our first localgovcamp. LocalGovCamp is an event for local government folk that will take place on Saturday 20 June at the Fazeley Studios in Birmingham. This blog is the main source of information aboutRead… Read more »

OPM abandons RetireEZ

There’s always a lesson to learn in a project failure. And this time, it involves RetireEZ, the Office of Personnel Management’s project that would give potential government retirees the tools to figure out their pensions. OPM said it was too tough to accomplish and has gone back to the paper-based drawing board to figure outRead… Read more »

OOOG Ratings – OpenAustralia

Originally published here I’m going to take a break from coding to try something new. I blogged about the OOOG Rating system I’d come up with earlier and I thought I would take it for a test drive against a real live project. For this first OOOG Rating exercise I thought I would pick onRead… Read more »