Yearly Archives: 2009

Where the jobs are

Today’s Fierce CIO highlights an article in this week’s Business Week assessing the best cities in the U.S. to find IT jobs. It’s a great slide show that includes the average salaries, the number of IT jobs available and other details about each city. And it offers you an easy reference to finding an ITRead… Read more »

I Choose Inspired

So, I took Don Jacobson’s advice and read Mario’s Blog Post Inspired Versus Required and came away with a my choice to inspire not only those around me, but to keep myself inspired as well. To continue to remind myself of our mission and to be the example of how not to be afraid ofRead… Read more »

Leading Without the Title

Would SUGGEST that this blog posting from the Harvard Business Review website has PERHAPS some usefulness across several groups… Author: Steven DeMaio Leading When You Don’t Have Formal Authority Whether you’re a manager, a frontline worker, or an independent contractor, at one time or another you’ve surely had to influence, or even improve, the performanceRead… Read more »

Where’s the IT money?

There’s plenty of IT dollars in President Obama’s stimulus package and proposed 2010 budget. It’s a matter of identifying it, targeting it and using it. A preliminary analysis of IT spending by Input, an IT think tank, identifies where the money is located in the federal budget and what agencies will benefit. No surprise thatRead… Read more »

I Am Back in the Saddle Again (So to Speak…)

After discovering GovLoop and the its wonderful, inspiring members, I experienced a series of personal and professional challenges that have prevented me from participating in the lively discussions that attracted me here. I am still adjusting to some of what has happened to me, but I anticipate I will be actively participating in no time.Read… Read more »

Where vendor organizations, legislation and open source collide – Healthcare Information Systems

I thought I’d include this as a reference since I’ve brought up this discussion elsewhere. If you’re looking for drama, plot twists and a wide assortment of characters look no further than the current impetus toward Electronic Health Record (EHR) adoption – A potentially Shakespearean Drama. The players and scenario: The battle brewing over EHRRead… Read more »


When I was a kid my family would spend five days almost every summer in Atlantic City, NJ. This was the pre-gambling, family friendly beach town with the famous boardwalk, wicker pushcarts for vacationers to travel the boards in, the Steel Pier, and the Miss America pageant. One of the treats we always looked forwardRead… Read more »

Help Me Learn? Tweeting for an Organization

Here at EPA, we have many Twitter feeds. Most are run automagically via RSS feeds. I’m trying to figure out whether our main feed, @usepagov, should have a live person behind it who responds to people. I’m very concerned about the potential time demands, because EPA is involved in an enormous number of issues thatRead… Read more »