Yearly Archives: 2009 An Experiment in SEO and Social Media

You’ve seen a lot of posts from me regarding the social media activities of other agencies. Never have I highlighted an endeavor from my own organization. Well, this post changes everything! Here’s the backdrop: Throughout its history, the Graduate School has always adapted in creative ways to the changing needs of government. A few weeksRead… Read more »

Web 2.0 Working Group Charter

For those of you that read my last post on our new Social Media Policy, here’s the companion document that describes the duties and responsibilities expected from the peer oversight group, obliquely named the “Web 2.0 Working Group.” We’re hoping a more creative name for the group will emerge in time, but for now maybeRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Best Places to Work: HQ vs. Regional Offices

It’s certainly true of journalists and in all types of other professions, but this week’s Best Places to Work data definitely confirms that some federal employees much prefer toiling in the field rather than working at headquarters. Sarah Palin Take EPA for example: two of its regional offices, in San Francisco and Philadelphia, rank amongRead… Read more »

The State of Cyber Security in the Federal Government, what do you think?

INPUT, a government market research and analysis firm in Reston, VA, would like to know your thoughts on the current state of Cyber Security in the Federal Government. Your responses will be used aggregate to help our analysts understand current perceptions and opinions by government employees and the contractor community. Thank you in advance forRead… Read more »

Social Media Policy – Finally Approved!

For all those that have asked over the past several months, here is Roanoke County’s brand spankin’ new Social Media Policy, an administrative policy approved by the County administrator as a guiding document to help our locality further our Web 2.0 projects. So far our projects have been limited to a few County Twitter accountsRead… Read more »

Federal Cloud Computing Heating Up !

(Previously published on “Cloud Musings“) As fellow blogger Reuven Cohen mentions in his post, Federal cloud computing is indeed heating up: Vivek Kundra held a US Federal Government Cloud Computing Summit yesterday The Federal CIO Council is officially studying effective uses of cloud computing According to Network World, an INPUT study places Federal spend onRead… Read more »

Memorial Day Thanks

In honor of Memorial Day I’d like to thank all of those in our Armed Services that have protected our country. A particularly poignant quote that I’d like to share: “When You Go Home, Tell Them Of Us And Say, For Their Tomorrow, We Gave Our Today” – The Kohima Epitaph

FREE for NJ Military and Cyber Security professionals!

LAST CHANCE TO REGISTER! Free Seminar for Military and Government Attendees Defense Systems Seminar – Ft. Monmouth Sheraton Eatontown Wednesday, May 27th Engage with peers and expert faculty on the military’s Information Assurance strategies and its role in cyber warfare Discover emerging technologies impacting Information Assurance requirement Discuss current threats and trends in Cyber Security,Read… Read more »

Open Source Success Through Understanding the Acquisition Process

The criticality of contractors understanding the government acquisition process is vital to their success and the widespread adoption of open source software. Government transparency, openness and sharing will be significanty facilitated through this comprehension. This concept is superbly underscored through this article by Chet Hayes. While the intricacies of the acquisition process are often complex,Read… Read more »

Focusing on Acquisition Reform: Workforce First

The much anticipated Smart Contracting Caucus met this week for the first time since being created over a year ago by former House Oversight and Government Reform ranking member Tom Davis, (R-VA). The intent of the Caucus was to consider thoughtful federal procurement reform by having a type of 360-review of issues facing the contractingRead… Read more »