Yearly Archives: 2009

Semantic Technology Solutions for Gov 2.0: Citizen-Friendly and with Transparency, Opennes, and Collaboration

The Obama administration has set the goal of achieving and unprecedented level of openness, participation, transparency, and collaboration in government. This applies especially to the accessibility of government information and the tracking of stimulus expenditures. This presentation discusses ways that cloud computing, web 2.0, and web 3.0 semantic technologies can be used to deliver citizen-friendlyRead… Read more »

Web 2.0/Gov 2.0 Lunch-n-Learn – Part 2

A while ago I posted some questions and an outline for a Lunch-n-Learn training that I will be presenting regarding Web 2.0 / Gov 2.0. First, I want to thank all of those that replied with information, presentations of their own, and resources. Next, I would like to ask for more assistance from everyone. BelowRead… Read more »

Arrive, Survive, and Thrive…It’s Not Necessarily a Good Thing

Ever heard of the International Day For Biological Diversity (IDB)? The United Nations declared May 22nd the official date this year, and Invasive Alien Species is the theme. Invasive Aliens Species are widely recognized as a major component of human-induced global environmental change. Globalization allows that the transportation of animals, plants and microorganism to provideRead… Read more »

Train of Pain – Day 2

The Train of Pain – a group of cyclists who are current and former military folks- are on Day 2 of their annual ride. The week long ride is the brainchild of Carter Goodnough and Kevin OBrien. Carter is the Director of Sales of ClearedJobs.Net. If you are into cycling or beautiful scenery of theRead… Read more »

The Future of Search Engines?

The debut of Wolfram/Alpha, a computational knowledge engine, perhaps provides a glimpse of what is to come, with respect to the future of search engines. Wolfram/Alpha not only displays data graphically, unlike traditional search engines, but also displays data relationships to what is being queried. In it’s current state Wolfram/Alpha may not displace Google anytimeRead… Read more »