Yearly Archives: 2009

eKnowledge: Web 2.0 tools are giving new life to traditional Knowledge Management

Since Nanaka and Takeuchi introduced the concept of knowledge management in the mid-90s, corporations, nonprofits and government agencies have spent millions implementing relatively simple KM systems that focused mostly on integrating various information resources. Knowledge Management initiatives fell out of favor for a while but are starting see a comeback as social media tools areRead… Read more »

Recruiting and Vetting Job Candidates Using Social Tools

From – Government agencies, especially municipalities, face many challenges in adapting HR divisions to best practices for recruiting, vetting and retaining the best and the brightest of the under-40 workforce. In San Francisco, the workforce now averages 46 years old, and recruitment of Generation X and Millennial Generation workers is constrained. To address this,Read… Read more »

GovLoop Member of the Week: John Sporing, Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts

John Sporing: Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts formerly at the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) I’m starting to like having themes for my interviews. Last time, it was sunshine, and what better way to personify sunshine than with an interview w/ Anita Arile….if only I had interviewed her in her beloved island ofRead… Read more »

O’Reilly government conferences: requests for proposals open

GovLoop members might be interested in two upcoming Washington events put on by O’Reilly, a company known for our computer/Internet publishing. One is a showcase this coming September, and the other is a conference we’re planning in 2010: If you have an interesting project that demonstrates an unusual and successful way to make anRead… Read more »

Wayman Tisdale, 1964-2009

Wayman Tisdale lost a two-year battle yesterday with colon cancer. He was universally loved by everyone. And I mean everyone… even rival coaches. Billy Tubbs recruited Tisdale to Oklahoma… Tisdale was the kid everyone wanted. He was Blake Griffin way before Blake Griffin. He was only 44 years old and had transitioned to his secondRead… Read more »