Yearly Archives: 2009

Web 2.0 Strategy

This is my first post within this space and I need help. I just received a new task to develop a Web 2.0 strategy for the FAA. Has anyone in any agency gone down this road before? I’m looking for trail blazers who are willing to share their experience. I would like to attack thisRead… Read more »

Mute swans- victim or nemesis?

Check out this recent WAPO article: (you might need to create a free profile- sorry!) Invasive species posed real, dynamic threats to a variety of threatened and endangered environments; solutions to these problems are elusive and often occur at the intersection of science, society, and economics. Opinions welcome!

Could Prediction Markets concept be applied to government projects?

Motorola uses a prediction market to gather new ideas from employees and predict their success based on how willing individuals are to buy “stock” in them. They launched a system called ThinkTank in 2003 to collect potential innovations. Employees are given $100K in virtual dollars to vote on ideas at $10 per share. Perhap governmentRead… Read more »

Robert Gates Runs Effective Meetings, Why Can’t I?!

Reading today’s Eye Opener, I was struck by a quotation regarding how SecDef Robert Gates handles meetings: “Even Gates’s detractors concede that he is a ruthlessly effective manager of the Pentagon bureaucracy. He demands that all briefing slides from his staff and military commanders reach his office the day before the meeting in which theyRead… Read more »

Thwarting Illegal Wildlife Import–A Team Effort

Congratulations to FWS, ICE and CBP for thwarting the illegal import of wildlife. Check out this article! This is a great example of our Federal government working together across government agency boundaries to achieve a commmon mission–and what an important mission it is. Stopping the illegal import of wildlife species is critical in maintaining aRead… Read more »

Pushing Collaboration Outside the Firewall

I’ve recently been evaluating social networking software for a non-profit agency and I saw a type of collaborative ability I hadn’t seen before. A couple of the higher-end products claimed the whiteboarding and project collaboration group areas could actually be pushed outside corporate firewalls to allow collaboration with outsiders. This seems intriguing given the newRead… Read more »

Has Twitter Learned Something? Understand Your Audience

Over the past day or so, Twitter has suffered some backlash to what was deemed a small configuration change and completely disrupted the feature of serendipitous discover. There were a couple of things that happened here: Twitter made decisions based on feedback without going out to do full validation that the issue with @replies wasRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Lawmakers Decry DHS Swine Flu Policy

Lawmakers blasted the Department of Homeland Security today for not formalizing the use of protective face masks by employees working along the U.S.-Mexico border during the recent swine flu outbreak, suggesting the department has placed bureaucratic considerations ahead of the health and safety of its own workers. Homeland Security Undersecretary for Management Elaine C. DukeRead… Read more »