Yearly Archives: 2009

How to save yourself a social media headache

As I spend my time teaching local classes and consulting on “Social Media/Social Networking” I give the same advice to people over and over: Don’t use the term Social Media or Social Networking or Web 2.0 when discussing or planning your strategy. These are industry buzzwords that mean different things to different people. They don’tRead… Read more »

Twitter? No, Yammer

Many of my colleagues at NIST have begun using a service called Yammer. It is similar to Twitter (microblogging) in that you follow and have followers, but does not limit users to 140 characters. Users can upload attachments to share, in addition to hyperlinks. More importantly, it is restricted by Domain. So, NIST has aRead… Read more »

Transparent Calendars

I’m reposting a piece I put up today in EPA’s blog, Greenversations. Feel free to leave comments here or on Greenversations; I’ll get ’em either way, but they’ll be more public over there. Here it is: A couple of weeks ago, EPA Administrator Jackson issued a memo calling for maximum transparency in everything we do.Read… Read more »

When Stimulus Funds Don’t Stimulate

NPR’s Morning Edition had a story about the State of Michigan using part of its American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) stimulus funds to pay what amounted to operating expenses of the state government; pretty much to backfill spending cuts it had made. In effect, the federal program that was created to stimulate economic activityRead… Read more »

An Opportunity!

A very capable colleague and friend is looking to relocate to Mobile, AL; Pensacola, FL, Huntsville, AL. Resume posted at A must have on your team!

New Position as ADR Program Manager

I just accepted the position of ADR Program Manager for the Seattle Federal Executive Board. The Department of Labor has authorized for me to spend 80% of my time as ADR Program Manage. I will work with requesting agencies, matching their needs with a cadre of 75 mediators, facilitators and organizational development experts. I willRead… Read more »

Inspired Versus Required

A traveler saw two men cutting stone from a mountain and placing the blocks on carts. He asked them, “What are you doing?” One said, “Can’t you see? We’re cutting stones from this mountain.” The other man gave the traveler an understanding look and said, …”We’re building a church.” I am always screwing up; andRead… Read more »