Yearly Archives: 2009

Transparency and Open Gov’t Newsletter

Lisa Nelson from GSA’s Office of Citizen Services and Communications, passes along this info about their latest newsletter: ————————————————————————————————————————– The Transparency and Open Government Newsletter presents the views of 21 individuals and organizations across federal, state, local and international governments, industry, academia and the non-profit communities. They represent a broad spectrum of ideas from thoughtRead… Read more »

Funding for PhDs

I hope you are doing well. I am posting this message to see if you can help me. I am looking for adjunct positions locally in New York City or over the internet so that I can fund my PhD in Public Administration at Rutgers University. Any information regarding Adjunct positions, fellowships, scholarships, assistantships, etc…—anythingRead… Read more »

Recognizing Local Governments for Social Networking

Hello all… I’m wrapping up this week’s GovLoop Project of the Week, which will be posted on Wednesday. I’m focusing on the Public Technology Institute. They have a webinar, tomorrow (May 5th) from 2 – 3pm, entitled Recognizing Local Governments for Social Networking. Description from website: Local governments are expanding their use of Web 2.0Read… Read more »

Online Authentication: Should Feds carry a badge in cyberspace? Or at least a reciprocol link?

The future of the internet will involve more authentication than it does today but there might be a simple interim solution to provide some level of authentication for the Gov 2.0 presence on online social networks such as facebook and twitter. A standard policy of having a reciprocal link back to a facebook fan pageRead… Read more »

Interview with GovLoop Founder Steve Ressler

Last week I was lucky enough to speak with Gov 2.0 superstar and GovLoop founder Steve Ressler about what’s happening with GovLoop, where the site is going and how sites like it are having a larger impact. You can read the whole two-part interview series in full on the Rock Creek blog, or check outRead… Read more »

Federal Domestic Partner Benefits

Government Executive’s cover story this month is the often neglected debate on federal domestic partner benefits. Though the Domestic Partner Benefits and Obligations Act has been introduced every session since 1997 it’s never been voted on by either the House or Senate, and only got its first hearing last fall. External gay rights groups haveRead… Read more »

Enterprise 2.0 Presentation, Federal Reserve Bank, US Air Force, Tomoye – Social Learning Strategies

This might be an interesting session for folks. “Government Computer News will present Tracy Conn, assistant vice president at the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Lt. Col. Michael Hower, chief of Squadron Commander Professional Development, Air Command and Staff College, U.S. Air Force, and Eric Sauve, Tomoye chief executive officer and co-founder, in an eseminarRead… Read more »