Yearly Archives: 2009

IBM Federal Ready to Protect NASA, NOAA, DOE, USCG, HUD Against New SQL Injection Hacking Attacks

12, March 2009 15:32 EDT — The Web Hacking Incidents Database (WHID) has reported that over 500,000 websites were hacked by a new form of SQL Injection in 2008. The hacking incidents resulted in 19% theft of sensitive data. Government, security, and law enforcement organizations represented the biggest sector suffering from these attacks (32 percent).Read… Read more »

Free National Emergency Alert System

Well, we really don’t have a unified national alert system that is able to alert the population, first responders, law enforcement, etc, in case of natural or man made dissasters. So what did I do about this? Well, I got together with a group of homeland security and IT security professionals and designed a systemRead… Read more »

“Sweet GovTweets” – Fri 1 May, 2009 edition

Apologies for errors in advance. Here are a few tweets from the tweet stream (have not clicked on any of the links) @Nextgov RT White House launches official twitter feed: @whitehouse #gov20 #obama @levyj413 EPA has launched a new mapping app called My Environment. Check it out #gov20 @ariherzog: Snapshot in Twitter Time: HereRead… Read more »

Collaboration Squared (Collaborating about Collaborating)

Last month I setup a wiki, using Wetpaint, to introduce my students to Web 2.0 tools. In thinking of a name, I came up with Collaboration Squared as I was asking them to “collaborate about collaborating.” It seems to me we could use some of the same, unless it’s happening somewhere on GovLoop and I’veRead… Read more »

VistA in health informatics Education

I ran across this today. Apparently VistA is being taken into the classroom at George Mason University. It certainly makes sense to use VistA in the educational setting: no licensing fees, students can download and run their own private version of the VOE appliance to practice their lessons on, and the price is certainly right.

FCW’s – Twitter Takes Wing – good read –

Check out this Federal Computer Week article if you missed it! According to the article, some agencies other than NASA using Twitter include: NIH – health related dispatches US Geological Survey – earthquake & tsunmai warnings FDA – updates on food recalls You can find all of this and more on Steve Luncefords’s Twitter directoryRead… Read more »

A piggy attitude about Swine Flu

Vice President Biden’s advice that during the flu epidemic people should avoid subways and planes earned criticism from a representative of the travel industry. Well, I say, good for you Mr. Vice President, and to the travel industry I say – sit down, shut up, and worry more about your fellow citizens and less aboutRead… Read more »

The Official White House Twitter Has Been Launched!

The Whitehouse has official taken the plunge into microblogging and launched their official twitter account @whitehouse today. Another milestone in government 2.0 and social media has been reached. The Official White House Twitter URL: The account was set up and first tweet posted about 2 hours ago putting the time of official release atRead… Read more »