Yearly Archives: 2009

Help the White House Sort Out!

Last week, Steve Ressler told you about an upcoming initiative to let the public shape the future of Building a portal where the public can monitor the dispersal of stimulus funds and progress of the economic recovery, transparently and in real time, is no easy feat. So, the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board, inRead… Read more »

Value of a Certified Coach

Just a quick note to say what a terrific value a certified coach brings to a learning event. Last night, Joe R. from, did a fantastic job on critiquing six presentations. I myself did not present a topic but I gained so much information as to suggestions for improving a presentation. Over the yearsRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: NASA Shuttle Retirement Postponed … Maybe

NASA’s Congressional supporters appear to have bought some time in their efforts to ease the Space Shuttle program’s hard retirement date, as the House and Senate conference agreement on the budget resolution reached this week would fund Shuttle missions beyond September 2010. The storied Space Shuttle program is set to end at that time toRead… Read more »

3rd Infantry Division Adds Battlefield Medical Recording System to Stateside Aid Stations

Big news out of Fort Stewart, where the 3rd Infantry Division, led by LTC Edward Michaud, is taking a proactive approach to fixing a problem that continues to exists for battalion aid station clinics in the U.S. He’s using MC4, a traditionally battlefield-only electronic medical record (EMR) system to get his clinical staff used toRead… Read more »

Government Web Conference

I vow not to miss next years Gov’t Web conference (on now at GWU). In the interest of opengov, I’d be happy to be a rep from Canada! Following the session #Govwebcon on Twitter – congrats on a tremendous event. M.

Cheap Training Tip #2: A Picture is Worth a Bunch of Words

What’s your Leadership Brand? I used this activity mid-way through a leadership program to give participants an opportunity to evaluate their strengths and leadership qualities. The premise is simple: each of us has a unique “brand” or style of leadership. Of course what we may “think” our style of leadership is and what others seeRead… Read more »

Corporate/Government Training Classes

Taken any training classes recently? Being in IT we take classes every year to keep abreast of the new technology, even if it’s only to learn a new Microsoft operating system that will be gone in three years. We also get management courses. How to manage people, projects, time, whatever. The instructors aren’t called “instructors”Read… Read more »

Feds gear up

There’s been plenty of quick action so far to ratchet up the government’s response to the swine flu outbreak. It’s all over the federal government – There are websites from multiple federal agencies. Congress is planning emergency hearings this week on the outbreak and government command centers have been enacted to keep track of andRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Gender Pay Gap in Federal Workforce Narrows

The pay gap between male and female federal government employees has closed significantly in the last 20 years as workers have become more alike in education, experience, and the occupations they hold, according to a report to be released today by the Government Accountability Office. Women earned 89 cents for every dollar earned by theirRead… Read more »