Yearly Archives: 2009

ScotWeb2 – Scotland web2 activity

I have followed up, and received a very helpful, and courteous, reply and prompt from the site hosts – thanks Apparently there is no feed functionality as yet, so we can cross post For Scotland, this is the year of the Homecoming, so if you are over on June 19th, join the web2 folksRead… Read more »

Government Fact for the Day

Random Government Fact for the Day: NASA-developed technologies have found more than 30,000 secondary commercial uses in products ranging from plasma screens to heart rate monitors.

Carbon Offsets: Not just a good idea, it’s the LAW!

Anyone old enough to remember that commercial – “It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature?” The sooner we can get off the fossil fuel merry-go-round, the better, I say. And the better for Mother Earth. In this administration’s efforts to become more green, it’s possible to envision a day when government agencies will be requiredRead… Read more »

The Hokie Guru, GovLoop’s Bureacurat on Sports, Entertainment, and Whatever Else is Important in the World – News and Notes

Hola, GovLoopers… it’s been a while since the Hokie Guru’s presence graced GovLoop.. and please don’t talk or write in the passive voice like that… only trained bloggers can do that!! 🙂 Hey, let’s step back… into 1989… Man, if you had long hair between 1989 and 1992, any major record label signed you toRead… Read more »

Massive Public Outreach on Swine Flu

A longer version of this post is also available at the Reach the Public Blog. Federal, state, and local health agencies are working overtime to inform the public about the recent Swine Flu outbreak that is currently affecting Mexico and small portions of the United States, but that poses a real international threat. Direct informationRead… Read more »

Big News – Obama Asks Gov’t Employees for Ideas to Save $/Improve Performance

Big news from today’s Obama Weekly Address. Most importantly for gov’t folks: “Third, we’ll look for ideas from the bottom up. After all, Americans across the country know that the best ideas often come from workers – not just management. That’s why we’ll establish a process through which every government worker can submit their ideasRead… Read more »

Attended Vivek Kundra speech, Tyson Ritz Hotel, 4/25/09

Overall I liked his view of citizen-centric services replacing the current approach of “webonizing the bureaucracy” and democratizing data to get results such as what happened when GPS was made publicly available for innovative uses. The new default position will definately be openness to the extent allowable by security constraints instead of walling off dataRead… Read more »