Yearly Archives: 2009

“Sweet GovTweets” Tues 21 April, 2009 edition

Apologies for errors in advance: @securityinfo: Google, AT&T and Twitter executives visit Iraq #polc09 #gov20 #opengo @debategraph: Slides prepared for yesterday’s Politics Online panel on public debate #polc09 #gov20 #opengov #edemcamp @sairy: For everyone interested in online politics, check out #polc09 conference feed – great info – wish I could be there! #p2Read… Read more »

Intro to Greenies’ Guide to GovLoop

[April 2009 – the back story]I got inspired recently at a talk by “Wikinomics” co-author Anthony Williams. Some cool people were there, like Steve Ressler (is he everywhere?) and my boss (he might read this). Williams’ stories about social networks bringing people together to solve tough problems were powerful. But harnessing 2.0 tools still seemedRead… Read more »

Collaborating on a Web 2.0/Gov 2.0 Lunch-n-Learn Presentation

At our last department head meeting I was asked to create a Lunch-n-Learn presentation about Web 2.0/Gov 2.0 for department heads and interested employees. My audience will be of varying levels of knowledge on the subject, a wide age range, and come from a diverse set of backgrounds (human services, criminal justice, courts, elections, prison,Read… Read more »

Web 3.0 and the Virtual Proposal Manager, part 1

Web 3.0 and the Virtual Proposal Manager, part 1 by Donna L. Quesinberry, Washington Business Examiner As an evolving field of expertise, proposal management and the ‘process life-cycle’ are entering yet another augmentation. The newest capture planning and business development solutions profile involves an ability to remain both an active and dynamic participant, while promotingRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Napolitano Apologizes Directly to Vets Group for Report

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano apologized directly today to Commander Dave Rehbein, head of the American Legion, after a recently leaked DHS intelligence report suggested that right-wing extremist groups might recruit military veterans returning from overseas deployments. The 45-minute meeting occurred at DHS headquarters in Washington this afternoon. A detailed account of the meeting fromRead… Read more »

Federal Jobs for Generalists

From ARE YOU A GENERALIST? You may be a generalist if you have: * A liberal arts degree and/or an advanced degree in law, business, international relations, public administration, public policy, environmental policy, public health or a variety of other fields. * Excellent writing and oral communication skills. * An ability to synthesize informationRead… Read more »

Anyone going to NetSquared?

The NetSquared Global Conference, held in San Jose California, is a two-day meeting that brings together the minds of unlikely allies from different professional fields including: leaders in philanthropy, corporate philanthropy, engineering, media and world-class innovators driving the development, distribution and use of social technologies for progressive change. The conference provides participants an opportunity toRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Singing Bureaucrats

If you hear some big band sounds coming from a conference room at EPA headquarters today, do not be alarmed. It’s just the EPA Band, holding their regularly scheduled Friday lunchtime rehearsal. The group of of 15 to 20 employees has played together for at least 10 years, according to EPA spokesman Brendan Gilfillan, mostRead… Read more »

A New Convert to the Goverati: @NenaMoss

Last week, I participated in the Gov 2.0 Boot Camp in Knoxville, TN, delivering a presentation on “Social Virtual Networks and Government.” A couple days after the event, I received a social media presenter’s greatest reward: an unexpected tweet from a Twitter newbie. Nena Moss had officially joined the ranks of the Goverati. Moreover, sheRead… Read more »