Yearly Archives: 2009

Is technology killing the written language?

IS TECHNOLOGY KILLING THE WRITTEN LANGUAGE? Texting, twitter and all the other ubiquitous instant messaging methods are surely going to spell the death of the written language; or it would seem that way if you read all the blogs, editorials, articles and predictions that our obsession with these abbreviated forms of communication are ruining civilizedRead… Read more »

Solar Energy Webinar a Success!

The USMS Webinar On Solar Energy Measurement Needs was held on April 21, 2009. From the webinar’s page on the USMS Website you can: • Download the webinar presentations and audio file • Participate in the preliminary solar energy measurement needs review/questionnaire • Download the reference list for the solar sector assessment • Link toRead… Read more »

Do you walk the talk?

Republished from eGovAU. I have been having a few conversations over the last two days with a variety of web managers regarding the level of commitment by their organisations to their online channel. The response has been mixed. Some have a great deal of support and resourcing, others have interest but no resourcing and othersRead… Read more »


PARTS 1, 2, AND 3…ALL TOGETHER ON ONE PAGE!!! Twitterrific! The Most Useful Web 2.0 Apps/Tools For Twitter If you are trying to implement Twitter in your business or government social networking efforts, these apps and tools are my top picks for 2009: 1. TwitterAnalyzer: lets you see different statistic charts about you and yourRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: GAO: States Struggling With Stimulus Funding

Most state governments have barely touched their federal economic stimulus money and some state officials have expressed concern that they may not be able to manage the extra money and oversight, according to a report issued today by the Government Accountability Office. GAO Acting Comptroller General Gene L. Dodaro, who appeared today along with federal,Read… Read more »

Obama announces new veterans’ electronic medical records system

The joint virtual lifetime electronic record will, among other things, help ensure a streamlined transition of health care records between the Pentagon and the Veterans Administration. “When a member of the armed forces separates from the military, he or she will no longer have to walk paperwork from a [Defense Department] duty station to aRead… Read more »