Yearly Archives: 2009

HHS pandemic webcast next week.

US dept HHS holds a web cast every couple of months. Past secretary Mike Leavitt started the blog and webcasts to reach out to citizens and it has worked. Follow along on #planfirst on twitter Story:There has been an unprecedented effort to coordinate pandemic influenza planning on Federal, State and local levels. This coordination hasRead… Read more »

Twitter to the Rescue!

No, this isn’t about anything as dramatic as Demi Moore possibly helping to prevent a suicide. Just a couple of real-world examples that reminded me of when Doug Beizer included me in an article in Federal Computer Week, discussing how I use Twitter as a research tool. Today brought that article back to me. First,Read… Read more »

42 Ways You Can Help the Planet

AT HOME 1. ENERGY CONSERVATION. If every home in the United States replaced just one incandescent light bulb with a compact fluorescent light bulb (CFL), the energy saved would prevent greenhouse-gas emissions equivalent to taking 1 million cars off the road, says Arthur Rosenfeld, a physicist and member of the California Energy Commission. He alsoRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: How Would You Save $100 Million?

President Obama’s call to trim $100 million from the federal budget earned criticism from Republicans and good government groups for not going far enough, especially since the administration’s proposed budget would balloon the national debt. So how would other folks trim at least $100 million of government spending, if not more? Rep. Tom Price (R-Ga.),Read… Read more »

Part 3 of 3- Twitterrific! The Most Useful Web 2.0 Apps/Tools For Twitter

If you are trying to implement twitter in your business or government social networking efforts, these apps and tools may “expand your horizons” for better use. Second twenty for review: 41. Twitter Toolbar: Downloading this free toolbar gives you instant access to Twitter. You can use the toolbar to access online Twitter tools, check yourRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Camp Mind Map

(Cross-posted at Communicators Anonymous.) Last month, I attended the first Government 2.0 Camp. It was a brilliant experience! Approximately 500 peers, thought leaders, social media pioneers and the occasional government 2.0 carpetbagger addressed the opportunities and challenges of new media in government functions. The break-out groups were relatively small in comparison to the massive audienceRead… Read more »

Open Governement and Innovation Conference – Authors or co-authors out there?

Check out the details here OGI is hosting a late July conference on how to realize the President’s call for leveraging social media for government transparency and greater public collaboration. If anyone would like to co-develop a topic, especially those regarding measuring the return on using social media or identifying challenges unique to public adoption,Read… Read more »