Yearly Archives: 2009

A new CTO – a First

I think everyone was surprised on Saturday morning when President Obama used his weekly radio address to announce his new CTO. But the Obama administration is a 24-hour shop, so why not? Now, Obama’s top IT shop is in place, ready to handle a new level of technology in government. How cool is that?

Unemployment “MEDIA” reports.

Just a fair warning to get all you facts before doom-and-gloom is announced. Yes, the unemployment rate is rising in this country, but for differing reasons. My belief (theory) is a challenging one at best. I do agree that the financial CRASH contributed to a vast part of the overall numbers for businesses around theRead… Read more »

Apology owed to Veterans!

Watching – Listening – Reading about he error of Secretary Napolitano I am outraged by her statements. Ultimately Madam Secretary needs to simply apologize for the statements she has made (not to double talk). By CAM SIMPSON and GARY FIELDS WASHINGTON — The Federal Bureau of Investigation earlier this year launched a nationwide operation targetingRead… Read more »

Open Government on the Internet – May 15th at the LBJ School of Public Affairs

I have registered for this event and look forward to the speakers and discussions. However, I noticed on the registration page at, that the Presidential Memorandum on FOIA was referenced, but not the January 21 Directive on “Open and Transparent Government” See Will the May 15 event focus on FOIA or the broaderRead… Read more »

“Sweet GovTweets” Sat 18th April, 2009 edition

Apologies for errors in advance @corbett3000: Have you seen DC’s Digital Public Square? It’s the manifestation of #gov20 – #opengov @gov20camp: New Post: “Calling All Citizen Innovators – Get Ready for!” #gov20 #opengov #gov20camp #edemcamp @kayawalton: Awesome, RI residents can track daily cash flow through @RITreasury. RI scores one for open govtRead… Read more »

GovLoop Member of the Week: Anita Arile, Management Analyst, Government of Guam

After what seemed like a very long and cold winter in Washington, DC, we are finally experiencing the greatest weather ever! No rain in sight, at least not this weekend. Sunny skies, 70-degree weather, who could ask for more? It reminds me of my time in Tucson, Arizona…how I miss those hot blasting rays allRead… Read more »

No More Excuses

If one were to ask any given selection of police departments across the country what they are doing to stay in touch with their citizens, he would receive a mixture of responses but my guess would be that a few or more of them would be that they don’t stay in touch. When asked why,Read… Read more »

California Lagging in College Graduation

This is a disturbing trend. Whenever, I get a chance I encourage those I meet and know to obtain higher education, as well as maintain and upgrade their skills. Also, I try to encourage my friends and their kids to think ahead to university and vocational education. High school graduation should just be the beginningRead… Read more »

10 Year Anniversary with Local Government

Hello all, just recognized this week at the regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners. It felt good to think that back on 10 years with the County. I was especially touched that the Director and Sheriff were there in support of the recognition.