Yearly Archives: 2009

New to Gov Loop

Just starting out with GovLoop and looking forward to making some online connections with people interested in Web 2.0 and leveraging these technologies to help thier organizations. Believe it or not many of us in the IT business in the DC area are in the perfect spot at the the perfect time to help rebuildRead… Read more »

“Sweet GovTweets” – Mon. 6 April, 2009 edition

Apologies for errors in advance: @joab_jackson: to officially launch in late May 2009: #GovLoop @jefferyrlsmith: #CivSource Morning News Update 4-6 #gov20 @jdp23: #votereport India: citizen-driven election monitoring for the 2009 Indian general elections … very cool! (via @nancyscola) #gov20 @nonprofit_tech: Super Excited and a Tad Scared. OpenCamp-Madison in 12Days: Sat, 18Read… Read more »

What’s the government’s role in improving access to information about government online?

Republished from eGovAU. I love the work that Matthew Landauer and a small group of non-partisan, patriotic Australians have done to set up OpenAustralia. If you’re not aware of the site, it’s designed to make the discussions on parliamentary floors visible to the public in an easily accessible way. The site also provides information onRead… Read more »

TIGR Experiences with Web 2.0

Over at the Reg there’s a pretty recent article that reveals some of the stumbling blocks involved with using Web 2.0 in government. One brief example (of many) “The problem is that everything must be kept on paper,” McLaughlin says. “So, government web masters have to sit and print snapshots of their websites on paper.Read… Read more »

Defense Systems Seminar Series

Don’t miss your chance to attend this intensive half-day seminar. The seminar will be an interactive discussion for attendees and faculty to talk about threats and trends in Cyber Security, Information Assurance, and IT infrastructure threats. Faculty will discuss the military’s information Assurance strategies and its role in cyber warfare. Who should attend: Military InformationRead… Read more »

TSP Talk – Can the bulls keep it going?

Good morning. It’s your weekly dose of TSP Talk… Stocks opened to the downside on Friday after the jobs report was released, but once again the bulls managed to move the indices higher by the close. The TSP stock funds all ended the day in positive territory, and had another very successful week. The marketRead… Read more »

Come on in the Waters Fine

We’re ten years into the greatest paradigm shift in information gathering since Gutenberg. The buzz words may be ‘long-tail’ or ‘small is the new big’, but the bottom line is access is in the hands of the consumer. Our customers, whoever and wherever they may be, can get what they want, when they want it.Read… Read more »