Yearly Archives: 2009

Did we meet at Gov20Camp?

Hi I am @immunity aka Andrea Baker, the Director of Enterprise 2.0 for Navstar, Inc. I met a lot of you at Gov20Camp while working on the blog for So we didn’t always get a chance to chat in details. I want to make up for that now. I want to reconnect now virtually.Read… Read more »

GovLoop Founder Steve Ressler Honored at Fed 100

Last Wednesday evening, I was honored to have been invited by Steve Ressler, founder of GovLoop and co-founder of Young Government Leaders, to accompany him to the Fed 100 Awards. Jeremy Ames led the charge for the award submission. Adriel Hampton and I contributed some language to the final nomination. It was a nice eveningRead… Read more »

Birds of a Feather Redefined

Before social media, when transparency was considerably less in vogue, aquiring new customers and serving the needs of loyal already existing customers was not an easy feat and there certainly were not many options for conquering this feat. In order to aid this process, marketers formulated methods such as segementation, and even sub-segmentation to narrowRead… Read more »

New Report from Harvard Kennedy School: “UNMANNED AND ROBOTIC WARFARE: Issues, Options, And Futures.”

From the Report: “We stand today on the cusp of a revolution in warfare. Unmanned and robotic warfare has taken its first steps and will soon assume a prominent, if not dominant, position in the doctrine, strategy and tactics of the United States military. We are not alone… “As the United States has gained extraordinaryRead… Read more »

April Event at Harvard K School: “Leadership for a Networked World: Innovation through IT for Senior Leaders in Government”

For those with an interest: At Harvard K School, April 14-16, 2009. Come join Jerry Mechling, Steve Kelman, Nicholas Negroponte, Jeff Frankel, Calestous Juma, Bob Behn and other Harvard faculty for a classic Executive Education event. See the full description and tuitions here: “Public leaders and institutions play a critical role in society’s most importantRead… Read more »

Are you a social media practitioner, advocate, or enthusiast?

The Social Media Subcouncil is developing a volunteer Speakers Bureau to help spread the word about social media in government. We’re looking for input and feedback on the materials we’ll be using to solicit speakers. We’re also sharing drafts of the content that will eventually appear on the Speakers Bureau website so that we canRead… Read more »

AABPA Announces Speakers for Symposium on Financial Crisis

American Association for Budget and Program Analysis 2009 Spring Symposium April 16, 2009 Capital Hilton Hotel 16th and K Streets, NW, Washington, DC Farragut North Metro, Red Line McPherson Square Metro, Orange and Blue Lines TRANSFORMING CRISIS INTO OPPORTUNITY AABPA is pleased to announce the following additional panelists will be joining us on April 16:Read… Read more »

Management Trial and Error

Now that I have been in Government service for nearly thirty years I can comment with authority on trends I have seen. And they come and go. Remember Total Quality Management (TQM)? Remember ISO 9000? Various Government Departments embraced these systems like couch potatoes embrace the latest fad on the Home Shopping Network. They loveRead… Read more »