Yearly Archives: 2009

Gov 2.0 Camp: from the Twitterstream

Here’s another one of my soon to be patented (:->) reports from a conference I didn’t attend, brought to you through the benificence of the Twitterverse. Unfortunately, it isn’t as complete as I’d like. After TransparencyCamp, when I discovered that the Twitter Search runs out after 100 pages of history, I new I’d have toRead… Read more »

A company and a tweet

I just finished reading Lauren Modeen’s post on “Twitter as a Focus Group;” if you’re marketing-inclined, a must read (especially if you’re like me and grappling with using Twitter to better promote a company). I have been on Twitter for a while now, and much like posting photos on Facebook, enjoy updating my ‘tweeps withRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Obama’s Latest Signing Statement

Talk about a minor technicality! President Obama issued a signing statement yesterday objecting to one minor item in the monster Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009. At issue is whether Interior Secretary Ken Salazar has to consult with lawmakers when making appointments to an obscure commission. The omnibus comprises more than 150 individual billsRead… Read more »

Twitter as a Focus Group

Imagine, if you will, the packaging on a gallon of Tropicana orange juice. Now…what did you imagine? A ripe orange with droplets of water? And a straw? Most likely is my guess. As you may know, in January of this year, Tropicana had its run in with the scenario Coke faced back in the ’80sRead… Read more »

“Sweet GovTweets” Mon 30 March, 2009 edition

Apologies for errors in advance: @gov20camp: Government 2.0 Camp Recap and Next Steps: #gov20camp #gov20 @adrielhampton: Politicians on Twitter #gov20 #opengov @web20blog: White house Open for Questions made into wordles. #gov20 @CityHallReport: Montreal Mayor Tremblay’s party has launched a web consultation on its election campaign #gov20 @subbob: Currently using Twitter, inRead… Read more »

“Sweet GovTweets” Sun 29 March, 2009 edition

@dslunceford: Missed #gov20 radio today with @govloop, @dslunceford talking to brains behind @tweetcongress? Download @govloop: Stream/Download Gov20 Podcast with @TweetCongress on and #gov20 #govloop @adrielhampton: All #gov20 needs is leaders. A thousand flowers are blooming, and no regime can stop social media. @adrielhampton: Twice as many GOPers are using Twitter in CongressRead… Read more »

Conference Time

I’m spending time at our Agency’s National Grant and Interagency Agreement Conference. Today is a day of early meetings. The conference actually kicks off tomorrow– and I am the lead on five 90 minute breakout sessions. It should be an interesting time this week. I am responsible for sessions on Post-Award Monitoring and Cost Review.Read… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Camp: view from a co-organizer

This past weekend, I had the amazing good fortune to help organize Government 2.0 Camp with three great people: Maxine Teller, Peter Corbett, and Mark Drapeau. You can find all kinds of recap goodies on the Government 2.0 Club site. Sorry, I can’t do a better job than Todd Pitt did in his “minimalist” recapRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Locke Joins Census Bureau Outreach Efforts

In his first official act as commerce secretary, Gary Locke urged the leaders of groups volunteering with the U.S. Census Bureau to increase their outreach efforts among the nation’s minority groups, noting the government has simplified the process in an effort to boost overall participation. “It’s our job to let Americans know that taking partRead… Read more »