Yearly Archives: 2009

GovLoop Member of the Week: Sam Allgood, Lead Open eGOV Developer

What is Open eGov? – a framework for a city government’s website – provides context-sensitive portlets of information; e.g., each department controls what is in its portlets based on its currently published content, but the portlet placement and names are consistent throughout the site – provides multiple ways to find content, both at the departmentRead… Read more »

Crucial Conversations in Human Resource Management: From Affirmative Action to Cultural Competency

This workshop, which took place on Friday, March 20, 2009 at 9:00-10, was led by Dr. Cryshanna Jackson of Youngstown State University, Dr. RaJade Berry-James of The University of Akron and Dr. Brown. Providing Social Equity in the Workplace: The Case for Affirmative Action Dr. Jackson initiated the discussion by providing a brief historical timelineRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Obama On the Politics of Procurement

The Eyes and ears of Beltway bureaucrats undoubtedly perked up tonight during President Obama’s prime-time news conference when he detoured for a brief discussion of the federal government’s procurement process. “There is uniform acknowledgment that the procurement system right now doesn’t work. That’s not just my opinion. That’s John McCain’s opinion. That’s Carl Levin’s opinion,”Read… Read more »

“Sweet GovTweets” – Tuesday 24th March 2009 edition

Apologies in advance for errors: @GetFISARight: net +55 votes for our #askpres question at … please vote for civil liberties! #bipart #gov20 @adrielhampton: This was absolutely the highlight of my day – visualizing #gov20: @ p2pt0: why talk about skittles when there are some great #askpres questions at #p2 #rebelleft #gov20 #topprogRead… Read more »

Social Media for Gov’t conference: vibe in the room last year vs. this year

Chatting with fellow ALI conference attendees Andy Krzmarzick, Ari Herzog, Maxine Teller and John Stauffer after today’s sessions, I made an observation about this same event one year ago vs. today, plus a hypothesis about why this difference might be. Observation: last year’s conference had an excited – almost giddy – optimistic energy about socialRead… Read more »

A Week to Recognize All Government Workers

Familiar with it? You know, the time set aside each year to honor the men and women who serve the US as federal, state and local government employees. I’m talking about Public Service Recognition Week which is celebrated the first Monday through Sunday in May. If you’re not so familiar with it, Public Service RecognitionRead… Read more »

Social Media Book – Call for Chapters

(from the Knowledge Management Government group…) FYI: From: John Girard [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Sunday, March 22, 2009 6:47 PM To: [email protected] Subject: [kmgov] Social Media Book – Call for Chapters Dear Federal KM Working Group Colleagues, I would like to share with you some information about an exciting new project in the knowledge/social media domain. JoAnnRead… Read more »