Yearly Archives: 2009

Update to the IT Strategy member group

Originally, my intent was for the IT Strategy group to be for government employees only. This was due to legal requirements that strategic plans be written by government employees. I’ve been re-thinking this and decided today that I’d open the group up to everyone on Govloop. My agency has a specific group dedicated to developingRead… Read more »

What Was Old Is New Again

In replying to a discussion to an article in which the author predicts the institutionalization of social networking sites by businesses (oh yuck!) it struck me that social networking sites are the new computer bulletin boards. For those too young to have been active in the computer community in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s,Read… Read more »

Federal Managers Association 71st National Convention

Over one hundred delegates gathered in Arlington at the Doubletree Hotel for their 71st National Convention. The delegates heard the keynote remarks from the Honorable Darrell Issa Rep. of the 49th District of California and the Ranking Member of the House Government Reform Committee. In his remarks Rep. Issa spoke about the bipartsian approach heRead… Read more »

Who’s your NCAA Cinderella, baby?

Cinderella (a.) – resembling Cinderella in being elevated suddenly to a position of honor, glory, etc. a Cinderella team in a basketball tournament Enter the North Dakota State University (NDSU) Bison. The Bison earned the state of North Dakota’s first ever bid to the Men’s NCAA Division I Basketball Tournament by defeating Oakland University inRead… Read more »

The Hokie Guru on AIG

Gettin’ close to Spring, Govloopers 🙂 It’s that time when the weather gets warmer and the cherry blossoms bloom in the Washington, DC area. The Hokie Guru rarely talks politics on this site because he’s always thought of Govloop as an online community that is about improving government. However, when it’s in the public interest,Read… Read more »

The State Perspective of the Social Media Subcouncil

As you may have read on the Social Media Subcouncil’s first blog post and from Jeffrey Levy’s latest post, the Social Media Subcouncil is up and running in public! As a member of the Subcouncil, I’m so excited to start getting some of our draft concepts out to the larger community of government communicators andRead… Read more »

L’indice de maturité des médias sociaux permettra d’évaluer les performances 2.0

[Here is an (imperfect) automatic translation French-to-English of this piece. It will give you a rough idea of what is being said.] John Cass Vous ne le savez peut-être pas, je suis toujours avec autant d’intérêt mon ami Jay Deragon (et son blogue A Relationship Economy). Ce matin, dans Twitter et Facebook, il pointait versRead… Read more »