Yearly Archives: 2009

Information Dissemination Line of Business (InfoLOB) — Is it time to begin?

I just competed reading a rather excellent and thorough document from the Office of Governmentwide Policy, General Services Administration (GSA). It’s title, “Implementing New Media (Web 2.0) Capabilities in the .Gov Environment and Government Use Elsewhere“, and breadth of content includes the most important issues raised and (partially) addressed when attempting to use Web 2.0Read… Read more »

Friday Follow?

It’s day 3 of my journey through twittersphere. This morning when I started reading my fresh Friday flow of tweets, I noticed a significant number that read- #fridayfollow… and then suggested a username with @username… Friday Follow? While I’ve learned the basic twitter commands, RT (retweet), DM (direct message), to shrink long, character wastingRead… Read more »

Web 2.0 for government: a unique opportunity?

At a govie staff meeting yesterday, the interesting point was made that there’s potentially a huge advantage to innovating via social media in government because government is more willing to share with government. In other words, there are not the inherent barriers to sharing best practices that crop up in the private sector, where CompanyRead… Read more »

Peanut Butter Blogging and Open Source Adoption

My colleague Scott Johnson wrote a couple of interesting blog posts over on the Rock Creek blog this week. One focuses on the UK government’s announcement that they’re moving toward using open source software whenever possible; the other highlight’s HHS’s smooth use of social media during the sticky peanut butter recall (pun intended.) Both ofRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Team Player: Timothy Geithner

“We’re doing more in weeks than other countries do in years.” Treasury Secretary Timothy M. Geithner made that pronouncement earlier this week after meetings with lawmakers to update them on the administration’s recovery program. The not-so-subtle dig at the world financial community was part of his ongoing effort to convince his international counterparts that theyRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Recovery Board Chairman Says Waste and Fraud ‘Inevitable’

The official tasked with overseeing the economic stimulus funds says it’s “inevitable” that taxpayer funds will be lost due to waste, fraud and abuse. Earl Devaney, chairman of the Recovery Act Transparency and Accountability Board (RAT Board), met today with state officials responsible for distributing the federal funds and said he will “work tirelessly toRead… Read more »