Yearly Archives: 2009

Throwing Sheep in the Boardroom

Here’s a cool video, based on the fascinating book of the same title, that explains how organizations are starting to embrace Web 2.0 as a means of enhancing performance and delivering bottom-line returns. The battle is essentially one between horizontal networks and vertical institutions. Social networking is antithetical to traditional hierarchical power structures and thereRead… Read more »

20th Anniversary of Hair Metal, Funnies, College Hockey, College Basketball… and other topics from GovLoop’s Entertainment and Sports Bureaucrat

Just to warn you, this is going to be a very random post from the Hokie Guru… the Guru will wander all over the place tonight… the Guru continues his tradition of speaking in the third person: Note: Please use Plain Language in the federal government; don’t talk like the Guru and his third personRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Obama’s Cabinet Heads: Players or Props?

As President Obama spent much of his week touting the benefits of the economic stimulus package, he seemed to use his cabinet secretaries and some well-timed events as props and backdrops in what one might call “Obama Stimulus Roadshow.” Some examples: MONDAY • During a ceremony announcing his intention to nominate Kansas Gov. Kathleen SebeliusRead… Read more »

Memo to Our New Federal Chief Information Officer

By Dennis D. McDonald, Ph.D. Vivek Kundra, Washington DC’s own CIO, has been appointed Federal Chief Information Officer (CIO). According to a Washington Technology article, Kundra “… plans to make the massive volumes of government data that isn’t sensitive available to the public through a new Web site, With more data available to theRead… Read more »

Open Source Government Transparency Projects

A whole cadre of folks inside and outside government are awash with figuring out how to address the government transparency question brought on by the President’s Transparency and Open Government memo. At the end of last weekend’s TransparencyCamp, Clay Johnson, Director of Sunlight Labs, brought up the issue of bringing open source developers into theRead… Read more »