Yearly Archives: 2009

BRAC’s Impact from Federal to State

Originally posted on Unleash the Monster For years now, we’ve been preparing for BRAC (base realignment and closures) and yet as we start to see it in action, it really puts into perspective just how broad the impact will be across the board. With the mandate of relocating thousands of military personnel nationwide by SeptemberRead… Read more »

Editing Wikipedia

I’ve been asked this question a few times recently, so thought it worth sharing my answer with everyone that reads this blog: What’s the best way to approach editing Wikipedia articles about us? There are a number of reasons why you might want to do this – the most obvious being that there are someRead… Read more »

Chronocentrism and Social Entropy?

The increasing emphasis by which we are referring to the rapid and deep-going socio-economic changes created by our generation’s adoption of social media technology has made me wonder at times if we aren’t falling victims of Chronocentrism, believing that the impact of our generation’s time in history is superior to all others. But, then, IRead… Read more »

What I am thankful for: Recession, Bad Vendors and the flu

While I look back over the last year, I see that some of the things that I am most thankful for would not have happened unless something bad had happened first. Economic Downturn: While the recession has caused many hardships, it has also spurred creativity, innovation and an appreciation of the simpler things in life.Read… Read more »

Federal Eye Eye Opener: Nov. 23, 2009

Happy Monday! • The Government’s Art: A cool Wall Street Journal sideshow depicts some of the most notable pieces from the collections of the House, Senate and State Department. • More Obama Nominees Announced: The president on Friday tapped Maria Sally Matiella to serve as assistant secretary of the Army for financial management; Paul L.Read… Read more »

On Practicing Thank You Power

Leaders should always remember to say Thank You. Over the past year I have had the opportunity to read many books related to leadership. One of my goals was to identify features of successful leaders that could be replicated by others. On one of my leadership book buying sprees I wandered across the book ThankRead… Read more »

Open Government is Change Management… On Steroids

Giovanni Carnaroli, the associate CIO for IT policy oversight at the Department of Transportation, and Jenn Gustetic from Phase One Consulting Group presented at the Open Government: Strategies and Tactics from the Play Book event last week. For those of you that couldn’t make it, we are introducing our thoughts about how to approach OpenRead… Read more »