Yearly Archives: 2009

Making laws align with egovernment

Republished from eGovAU. I’ve come across some interesting situations recently where technology is far in advance of legal frameworks, placing governments in a position where agencies may be breaking – or at least bending – laws by using certain online tools. Twitter is a case in point. The technology was invented after the Spam ActRead… Read more »

The Project of the Week – Wednesday, March 4, 2009 – Highlighting GovLoop

What better way to kickoff the new “Project of the Week” series than to highlight the coolest website in government, GovLoop! Last year on Memorial Day when you were most likely ‘chilaxin’ poolside waiting for the burgers and dogs to be ready, Steve Ressler launched GovLoop. Apparently, that same day, there were five other goviesRead… Read more »

Q: What is Today?

A: The square root of 9 – today’s date! And to think, I almost forgot!! HAPPY SQUARE ROOT DAY!

Sometimes it’s not the Technology — Focusing the Human Side

Yesterday’s Washington Post had an article headlined “Web-Savvy Obama Team Hits Unexpected Bumps — Issues of Technology, Security and Privacy Slow the New Administration’s Effort to Foster Instant Communication” ( While highlighting all of the information technology innovations the new “web-savvy Obama Team” has begun to employ, such as a Presidential blog and YouTube channel,Read… Read more »

Federal Eye: Federal Union Boss Calls Limbaugh’s Comments ‘Unacceptable’

Colleen M. Kelley, president of the National Treasury Employees Union that represents more than 150,000 federal employees, joined the fight against Rush Limbaugh this morning, criticizing the radio talk show host for his recent comments on President Obama. “Rush Limbaugh had the audacity to announce on national radio, ‘I hope he fails.’ Imagine anyone sayingRead… Read more »

Develop best

It’s no secret that in today’s economy, we are facing more challenges than ever. And real challenges demand real solutions. Supporting real collaboration, using real tools, in real time. Most of all, they demand real winning business outcomes. We are ready to help our customers and partners “get real” about making real change to createRead… Read more »