Yearly Archives: 2009

Federal Eye: ‘Liberal Leave’ for D.C.-Area Federal Offices

Washington, D.C.-area federal offices will operate today under “liberal leave” or “unscheduled leave” and delayed arrival status, meaning employees who cannot make it to work can request off, or should otherwise arrive to work no more than two hours later than normal, according to the Office of Personnel Management. The decision comes as school districtsRead… Read more »

What is Transparency? More Than Publication – the Role of Citizen Exchange

Fair to say that Title XV of the Economic Recovery Act requiring transparency has unleashed a tidal wave of pent up energy and justified momentum towards a more open government. The “strings attached” funding provisions ensure that there will be a solid attempt at top down enforcement of transparency for state and local jurisdictions. ButRead… Read more »

TransparencyCamp: 97 Tweets from 100 Pages of History

I couldn’t make it to TransparencyCamp, but it sounded fabulous. I did wade through 100 pages of Twitter Search history (as much as it keeps). Here’s what I came up with, for what it’s worth. Unlike my other summaries, while this is in chronological order, more or less, the fact that there were a lotRead… Read more »

Citizenship 3D!

Citizenship 3D By John Mahan on February 23rd, 2009 ( cit·i·zen·ship (noun) 1: the status of being a citizen 2 a: membership in a community (as a college) b: the quality of an individual’s response to membership in a community Have we achieved “ethical” citizenship on the Internet? The old English proverb that states “EveryRead… Read more »

TheGovGurus’ Present Weekly Best Career Advice

From (a GovLoop production) – check it out for top-notch gov’t career advice: Best Weekly Career Advice from Around the Web: Another Excel Tip – Robert Hacker 5 Emerging Trends from The Recession – Penelope Trunk Whose the Lebron James of Your Hiring Mangers – HR Capitalist The Four Biggest Reasons for Generational ConflictRead… Read more »

Who is Responsible for Leadership Development?

In many agencies there is disagreement over who is responsible for leadership development. In some organizations, responsibility for leadership development is delegated to HR. In others, leadership development is viewed as the domain of trainers. In yet other organizations, employees expect the agency’s senior leadership to take the lead. They are all right—to a point.Read… Read more »

Andrew Krzmarzick! – Featured Govloop Member

Andrew Krzmarzick is a Senior Project Manager at the Graduate School, USDA. I met him on govloop and I asked him to be our featured member because I see him leading the effort to make government better using social media tools. Quietly, (if that is possible with twitter and blogging,) I see Andrew one classRead… Read more »

New Media 101: The What Would Google Do Approach

As part of an effort to educate (and evangelize) my colleagues about new and social media, I am developing a list of resources entitled New Media 101. This list will not be tool focused as I believe firmly that new media is about relationships and the collaboration and engagement they empower. I want to haveRead… Read more »