Yearly Archives: 2009

Power of Information Taskforce Report

Yes, from UK but IMO has a great deal of relevance for ANY government entity wishing to go to the next level regarding involvement From the Executive Summary: The Taskforce’s recommendations affect the things people do with the broadband networks that are the major focus of Digital Britian. This report is about improving DigitalRead… Read more »

A new Buzzword?!

AND Perhaps and invite to an Event! Drapeau: The rise of the goverati Lately, there has been a lot of buzz about social media technologies in Washington. Web 2.0 technologies such as WordPress, Twitter and Qik are taking communications and personal interactions into new realms. But one local trend in the field of socialRead… Read more »

Web 2.0 Conflict

VERY GOOD (IMO) blog posting which although rather basic needs a whole lot more distribution… HOW TO: Deal With Social Media Conflict February 22, 2009 – 12:00 pm PDT – by Sharlyn Lauby No matter how knowledgeable you are and how much research you do, there will come a time when someone disagrees withRead… Read more »

Leadership in the global world

Following is the text of a speech I gave at the closing of the 22d Annual Black Management Association Conference at Kellogg School of Business, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, on Feb. 21, 2009. LEADERSHIP IN THE GLOBAL WORLD Today, as never before, we need enlightened, effective leadership. We need leadership that is focused on recognizingRead… Read more »

Please help me write and teach about microblogging (esp. Twitter)

Last summer, the good folks at invited me to write up some info about microblogging. Since I’d recently started using Twitter, I was able to write some, and a few other folks we knew added info about other services. I then made some changes in December. However, since I don’t look at the pageRead… Read more »

Participative Government: A Historic, Yet Fragile Opportunity.

This week I had an opportunity to speak with Chris Dorobek, well-known host of Federal News Radio. It was an important discussion because, like many, I have been reflecting mightily about how and whether the commitment to a more participative government will succeed, and if so, in what form. Though historic, the opportunity is fragile.Read… Read more »

US State Department and Web 2.0

If your interest lies in this area MAKE sure you read all the comments! From US Department of State Official blog How Might the U.S. Utilize Innovative Technologies To Discuss U.S. Foreign Policy? How Might the U.S. Utilize Innovative Technologies To Discuss U.S. Foreign Policy? Secretary Clinton recently posted her first DipNote blog entryRead… Read more »

Journalism 2.0

From the Scout Report … As more and more citizens decide to use both new and traditional media to engage in investigative reporting, they may wonder how they can find out more about governmental activities. The Citizen Journalist’s Guide to Open Government, provided by the Knight Citizen News Network, is an excellent place toRead… Read more »

Downtown Revitalization and Parking Planning – By Lance Winslow

By Lance Winslow When planning a downtown revitalization project the goal is to get people to come back to downtown and shop and spend money. Due to issues such as urban flight many people have moved into the suburbs and new businesses have sprung up there. Many lower income people have been stuck in theRead… Read more »