Yearly Archives: 2009

TSP Weekly Wrap-Up – Why Gold?

Hi everyone – It’s your weekly dose of TSP Talk from Stock got off to pretty good start last week as the major indices were up sharply on Monday, and they held onto those gains as we headed into Thursday. On Thursday, Meredith Whitney, who made a name for herself correctly calling for theRead… Read more »

Social Networks; from knowledge Management to Knowing

Its an interesting point as to whether any organisation of size can function with out both ‘Business Intelligence’ meaning reporting on how well it is succeeding against the operational measures it has set itself, and its Knowledge Management system as its reference base of experience gained. However both are also strongly internally focussed and makeRead… Read more »

Tracing the Whys

Reposted from original at When reading the Augustine Committee’s summary report, there was one particular line that really stood out to me. “In fact, the Committee finds that no plan compatible with the FY 2010 budget profile permits human exploration to continue in any meaningful way.” Wow. That is a lot to take in.Read… Read more »

Why Does Anybody Play Chess?!!

So there’s this little chess gadget, wherein a user can play a computer opponent… I have probably played a thousand times on the “easy” level and I have won exactly one time. And yet, I keep trying…. In frustration I rhetorically blustered “Why on earth does anybody play this game?!!!” Really, sometimes the computer beatsRead… Read more »

A Public Sector Where Digital Natives Thrive

Cross-posted with permission from TheConnectedRepublic – Digital Natives (people who have grown up in a connected world) have different attitudes, approaches and habits than those in preceding generations and will soon be a major part of society’s workforce. How does the public sector need to change to attract these people and provide them withRead… Read more »

No More “Social” Media: It’s Knowledge Media

NOTE: Originally published on July 24, 2009, I am re-posting since there is new energy surrounding this subject. What are your thoughts? —————————————- In light of the conversations and content of the Open Government and Innovations conference as well as my ongoing attempts to serve as a social media evangelist in agencies, I had anRead… Read more »

Social Media Policy – Part 9 – Productivity and Impact of Misuse

Productivity Social media tools can be valuable resources when used for work-related activities, but inappropriate use of these tools can be a drain on employer resources. Therefore, if an employer supports the use of social media tools during work hours, then that employer’s social media policy should include a reminder to employees that their useRead… Read more »