Yearly Archives: 2009

How will you help to develop leaders in your agency?

Your legacy will depend in part on your ability to develop and nurture future leaders to sustain your goals and objectives. This important role, developing a cadre of future leaders, is frequently overlooked in government. It is worth your devoting time and effort to this endeavor. In his report to the IBM Center, Ray BluntRead… Read more »

New Radio Program on President’s Stimulus Package-What It Means to the Criminal Justice System-NCJA—DC Public Safety

( See radio programs) Welcome to DC Public Safety–radio and television programs on crime, criminal offenders and the criminal justice system. See for our television shows, blog and transcripts. We welcome your comments or suggestions at [email protected] or at Twitter at The show features an interview with the National Criminal Justice Association andRead… Read more »

Maiden voyage

Like the Titanic, this is my maiden voyage in the realm of blogging, and I hope not to hit any icebergs. I am very fond of my husband, Ed, and my first born, Eddie, who are already onboard here. I am also very fond of my younger son, Ian, who has not worked with theRead… Read more »

Hello, I’m back

We are back in business and got internet access again (after 6 weeks cut off). Welcome world, its lonely in the saddle when the horse is out….

Check out the new NIST YouTube Channel! NIST solves science and technology problems today so that U.S. industry and science can produce the improved products, services, and technologies of tomorrow. From atomic clocks and online banking to mammograms and cellphones, NIST supports U.S. innovation through research, standards, business services, and other programs. Name: NIST City: Gaithersburg MD / Boulder CO Country:Read… Read more »

The Ideal Professional Network

How do you know what a good professional “network” looks like? Is it the quality of information sharing? Is it the professional connections you can make? Is it the personal connections you can make? Is it the access you have to new opportunities? Is it the ability to add a line to your resume? YGLRead… Read more »

Mars Rover Tweeter Shares Her Experience with Using Social Media to Promote Gov. 2.0

How can Social Media transform government? What role does Social Media play in achieving government transparency? A panel of experts recently met in Mountain View, California to discuss ways Social Media can change federal and local government. The discussion centered around various strategies and the participants shared their experiences of current Social Media usage inRead… Read more »

Goverati Stand Tall

Cross-posted on Communicators Anonymous There has been quite a bit of talk lately about the “goverati” – a term coined by Dr. Mark Drapeau. “What is the goverati? It is made up of people with first-hand knowledge of how the government operates, who understand how to use social software to accomplish a variety of governmentRead… Read more »