Yearly Archives: 2009

The Accidental Creativist

NASA scientists surmise that this photo of Martian soil laced with silica could be the remnants of an ancient hot spring. Yes, Virgina, there was a Perrier plant on the red planet. This discovery came about unexpectedly as the result of a mechanical failure. Both Spirit and its twin rover Opportunity completed their original three-monthRead… Read more »

Images of America: Pine City

Has anyone read or glanced at an “Images of America” book featuring any of many places in the U.S.? I’m working on Pine City’s version of the book. I was just wondering what everyone else thought of the series and whether anyone out there had ideas or suggestions for me.

Challenges Facing and the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board

By Dennis D. McDonald The new Administration’s web site has gone “live.” The President has a brief introductory video, an initial timeline of events is provided, the public is asked for input on the impacts of current economic conditions via “recovery stories,” and an appeal is made for input to the activities of theRead… Read more »

Rogue Technology Runs Amok @govloop

A recent Lawson/Forrester Report tells us among other things that we must accept “rogue technologies” to stay on top of our business in 2009. I AGREE. Do you feel like a rogue? From the article: 2009 Trends To Watch In Human Resource Management “The following technology and business process-driven trends will be evident in HRMRead… Read more »

Collaborative Working Techniques; are we practising what we preach?

In the industry we like to talk about the transformational potential of the technologies with which we work and the profound way in which they impact individuals the economy and society. When you look at our own practices do we always live up to this challenge ourselves? One area that has intrigued me is theRead… Read more »

In which we are introduced to online community software

A public online community can’t be hosted on KDOT’s servers, which operate behind a dense firewall. Thus we found ourselves in the world of software-as-a-service. We had to partner up with a community provider. Finding one took longer than we anticipated. Software-as-a-service is a bit like an automobile lease. The customer leases community software andRead… Read more »

Become a fan of the NYC Condom – on Facebook.

This is our newest forray into Facebook. It’s fun, so I’m sharing it. Become a fan of the NYC Condom – on Facebook. By visiting the new page you can send e-condoms to your friends, spread the word about safe sex and link to information on where to find condoms. The Health Department will alsoRead… Read more »

National Dialogue on Health IT and Privacy — Report now available!

From October 27th through November 3rd, 2008, over 3,000 interested citizens from across the United States and 80 foreign countries participated in a National Dialogue on Health IT and Privacy, hosted by the National Academy of Public Administration. Dialogue participants came together in this online forum to tackle the question: How should we expand theRead… Read more »