Yearly Archives: 2009

HHS Webcast on Mental health – catching up with citizens

Here are some excerpts to see what people, citizens, have been writing about the government. This Wednesday Feb 18th the US Department of Health and Human services is having its 10th pandemic webcast. Ok, I know people are more likely to get hit with a snow storm, tornado, hurricane, earth quake or power outage beforeRead… Read more »

When Desperate Times Call for Participatory Measures

41 U.S. states currently face budget gaps, and judging by the forecasts of even the most optimistic specialists, such a situation is far from being substantially changed in the near future. In this context, it is particularly interesting to highlight the few ICT mediated initiatives that are starting to take place at the subnational (state)Read… Read more »

GovLoop Survey – What Area Do You Work In?

The latest GovLoop survey question was “What Area Do You Work In?” The results are: 14.3% Workforce 49.0% Technology 4.1% Finance 25.5% Marketing/PR 7.1% Operations Pretty interesting findings. There are a lot of technologists on GovLoop which has sparked a pretty interesting discussion in the forums about it (Lots of Technologists Here). My thoughts areRead… Read more »

The Death of Web 2.0

Another title for this post COULD be Headlines are misleading… Interesting blog posting indicating that the term Web 2.0 is no longer a “hot buzzword” NOT that functionality of the overall meaning of Web 2.0 is dead… If you are into statistics this would be a blog posting that should be read… Another good reasonRead… Read more »

Economic Recovery Act, Let’s Get Transparency Right: The Importance of Citizen Based Network Transparency

Let’s get transparency right. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, passed this Friday the 11th, requires an extraordinary level of “transparency” on the part of federal, state and local agencies. Title XV embodies the transparency requirements. Section 1511 requires that all local and state governments receiving funding for infrastructure investment, must certify: “..thatRead… Read more »

A Rare Opportunity – Free Classic Harvard Business Review Articles

Microsoft has sponsored several classic Harvard Business Review articles for free download, including three of my favorites: “What Makes a Leader by Daniel Goleman “Level 5 Leadership” by Jim Collins “What Great Leaders Do” by Marcus Buckingham. This is very cool. HBR normally charges $6.50 for each of these articles. Please do not post, copyRead… Read more »

Teddy Roosevelt on Taking Risks

15 February 2009: It seems quite appropriate to re-blog this entry, at the beginning of a new chapter in the American story… “It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs toRead… Read more »

Climate Science and Public Policy

1. Climate Science and Public Policy (Part 1): New Challenges in a Web 2.0 World In the first of two presentations (February 18), Rod Dobell and Justin Longo will discuss the flow of results from climate science into the formation of public policy in light of three new developments that alter the context for publicRead… Read more »

Possible Issues with Social Network(s) and the Federal government

A 4 Page (2200 word) PDF document, will require Adobe Reader to read Social Media and the Federal Government: Perceived and Real Barriers and Potential Solutions December 23, 2008 … As leaders of the Federal Web Managers Council, we’ve seen that social media in government has become the number one topic of discussion withinRead… Read more »