Yearly Archives: 2009

Thousands dead overseas. A perspective.

We had to put down one of our cats. Well, not even our cats, really. One of our older son’s cats. We have two sons. Lets call them Rebo and Zooty. (2 points for the obscure pop culture reference) Rebo is older by 2 years. He went away to college and left us his cat.Read… Read more »

Wisdom of the Crowd

As a follow-up to my Patent Office use of the ‘wisdom-of-the-crowd’ post: I went to a Web 2.0 Conference in Virginia a while back. I hopped the ‘business’ freight. James Surowiecki, author of ‘The Wisdom of Crowds’, described the anecdotal evidence that forms the backbone of his book. The internet has enabled a method toRead… Read more »

Obama Can’t Make Torture a Thing of the Past?

There is a big difference in running on a “change” ticket and actually having to implement “change” in the complex political landscape that is our great nation. President Obama is feeling this right now in full effect. While he pledged to stop the CIA’s involvement in secret defense and torture, a Justice Department official saidRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Long-Serving Interior Staff Take Stage With Obama

Several long-serving Interior Department staffers sat on stage behind Michelle Obama during her visit to department headquarters today. Their names and years of service are listed below: Michael Smith, Bureau of Indian Affairs – 48 years Gloria Mora, Bureau of Indian Affairs – 42 years Barbara Davis, Bureau of Indian Affairs – 46 years ThelmaRead… Read more »

The rise of the “Third Estate”…

Excerpt for govloop… To get the blog rolling, I think it would be best to level set what “The Rise of the Third Estate” really means. I will assume most interested readers will have a background in Social Media and what can be termed as Web 2.0 / Web 3.0, etc. It is my hopeRead… Read more »

Best practices for government websites

Five federal websites have been chosen as good examples of best practices in government websites. What jumps out at me is that, aside from it not being all about Web 2.0, is that each of these agencies are strong examples of making their site about the user, not all about the agency. Clearly, Web 2.0Read… Read more »

What will Public Service look like in 2030?

What will Public Service look like in 2030? While this question is pointed and stirs up some anxiety, many may say “Who cares, I will not be around”. I challenge you to let your mind wander for a minute. As Federal Managers in Public Service you are currently putting into place actions, rules and regulationsRead… Read more »

Turf Wars and Accessibility

We all have experienced varying degrees of the “turf war” that exists when asked the question “where in your agency is Web managed?” The one thing it seems like no one wants to fight over is accessibility and compliance. So, I pose this question: Where in your agency is accessibility managed? Regardless of the levelRead… Read more »

Beginners Guide to Government 2.0 — Some Suggestions from a Practitioner

from I have talked before on a few occasions about how I think Government 2.0 will be a defining theme in our business over the next few years. It’s an inevitable change because the 2nd wave of the Web (notably social media, true collaboration, societal acceptance of user generated content, etc.) has taken hold.Read… Read more »