Yearly Archives: 2009

First post

Hi all, I don’t plan to post here much, as we run our own blog at which is available via the RSS Feeds app on my page now.

Government blogging a necessity.

I am staying engaged in the Homeland debate and working to build a strategic consulting business. Check out my latest blog post in a new venue! my new website:

Getting some traction!

It has been a good week for our Web 2.0 initiative. I was sitting in our department head meeting on Tuesday and the Chief Clerk (COO) started giving an example of the kind of communication that he would like to see more of, this being between people with similar jobs in different departments to improveRead… Read more »

The National Association of Government Webmasters (NAGW) is now accepting speaking proposals for the 2009 NAGW National Conference

The National Association of Government Webmasters (NAGW) is now accepting speaking proposals for the 2009 NAGW National Conference in Galveston, Texas, September 16-18. NAGW is seeking presenters who are willing to share knowledge and ideas and present on new technologies and trends that will allow attendees to return to their offices with new ideas andRead… Read more »

Same challenges – different terrain

I thought it would be interesting to point out how the global community faces very similar challenges to those in the United States. I have been working with the Municipality of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates for over 2 years as they deployed an automated system to manage Building and Construction projects. While we facedRead… Read more »

H R Clinton Discusses New Media Tools::Town Hall @ State Dept

Transcript Feb 4, noonish, while audience tummies rumbled, Secretary of State Clinton spoke about using new media, social networking sites, emerging technolgies and collaborative processes at Department of State and throughout government.HR Clinton Town Hall Blog 2.4.2009 New York Times 2.5.2009 Two minutes of the hour + meeting became the entire focus of this article.

I’m Back, So Is Kundra

Repost from today at: The Agile Mind, News of my disappearance has been greatly exaggerated! Those of you who had written me off should have known better. In fact, I was simply hibernating until my prediction about Vivek Kundra came true, well, almost. Today has WFED radio in DC and NextGov (a blogging stompingRead… Read more »

Open and Innovative Government – Enabling Collaboration

New GovLoop Group – Enabling Collaboration: Open and Innovative Government “I direct the Chief Technology Officer, in coordination with the Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the Administrator of General Services, to coordinate the development by appropriate executive departments and agencies, within 120 days, of recommendations for an Open Government Directive,Read… Read more »