Yearly Archives: 2009

Misra,D.C.(2009): Emerging Challenges in E-governance Curriculum

Misra,D.C. (2009) 6 Choice Belief Developing E Gov Curriculum View more presentations or upload your own. (tags: e-government curriclum) This is a presentation made by me in an international symposium on Distance Learning as an E-infrastructures Application: Innovation and Future Trends organized by European Commission under joint BELIEF, 6 CHOICE projects in New Delhi, India,Read… Read more »

How Can Gov 2.0 Promote Local Economic Development? – Seems that one of the perfect uses of social media and Web 2.0-style collaboration in local government is in economic development. I’ve very interested in your thoughts, from regulatory issues to customer growth, how can Government 2.0 help small and emerging businesses do better? Locally, I’m working with social media friends to putRead… Read more »

Citizen engagement/particicipation in government

I am in the early stages of researching case studies/best practices and lessons learned for our Intergovernmental Solutions newsletter on citizen engagement and participation. This issue of the newsletter will be published in early September. (we are currently finalizing an issue Transparency)Articles can be from any level of government including international. Articles and analysis comeRead… Read more »

Leadership Insight In Obama Inaguration

Click here to read the full blog post: This post has an interesting take on how brand promise was incorporated into Obama’s inaguration address, which will in turn shape overall strategic direction of the adminstration. Quick snackable leadership tips in the blog included: 1. Communicate reality; transparency is key 2. Employee engagement is criticalRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Salazar Steals White House Reporter’s Seat

No, Helen Thomas has not been replaced by Ken Salazar, but the Interior Secretary did take possession of her high-profile front-row seat in the White House Briefing Room this afternoon, becoming the first Obama administration cabinet secretary to appear at a press briefing. It’s the first time anyone can remember a cabinet official sitting inRead… Read more »

Obama Directs a New Web 2.0 friendly Communication Policy

The text of this Press Release appeared in the 1/26/09 Federal Register and would seem to begin the process for the issuance of a formal OMB Circular promoting government communication by Web 2.0 technologies: THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release January 21, 2009 January 21, 2009 MEMORANDUM FOR THE HEADSRead… Read more »

Microsoft’s “Brightside of Government” Viral Video Campaign Worth Checking Out

Microsoft State and Local has launched a viral video campaign that is worthy of noting. The point of the campaign is to have state and local government IT employees upload creative video testimonials about how they used technology to help save money and further the mission of their agency — isn’t that what it’s allRead… Read more »