Yearly Archives: 2009

Social reporting, social learning and social consulting in the UK and beyond

We just finished a face to face event for the Policy and Performance Community of Practice (one of the Improvement and Development Agency supported communities). With Dave Briggs’ help, we captured the proceedings of the day right here at using photo, video, slideshare, Tweeting and blogging. It’s a great way to get stuff capturedRead… Read more »

Stimulus Money won’t Stimulate?

I am disappointed to have to write this blog post but wanted to make sure others were aware of what is happening due to the language of the Recovery Bill with respect to road construction. So far, from what I have been told by DOT employees, the only roads that will be eligible to receiveRead… Read more »

Former Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee Calls Panetta “Right One to Repair CIA”

Former Democratic Senator and Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Bob Graham, recently published an Op-Ed that made a case for Leon Panetta being “right one” to fix the CIA’s problems. Making the call that the CIA needs a proven leader who can revitalize and restore the CIA’s credibility, Senator Graham made this statement: “UniversitiesRead… Read more »

Lots to Learn

I’ve decided that its high time for me to get serious about finding ways to at least try and implement some Web 2.0 ideas at the Department of Treasury. I’m in the extremely formative stages (and have absolutely no power to implement them on my own) but I’m thinking that Treasury needs to become moreRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: USDA Nears Decision on Food Safety Chief

The search for a head of the Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety Inspection Service (FSIS) appears to have come down on two veterans of the food safety community: Caroline Smith–Dewall, food safety director at the Center for Science in the Public Interest and former FSIS administrator Barbara J. Masters, who is currently senior policy adviserRead… Read more »

The Basics of Boosting Your Salary Offer

From THE BASICS OF BOOSTING YOUR SALARY OFFER By Lily Whiteman, author of How to Land a Top-Paying Federal Job and Federal Times Columnist So you’ve received an offer for a federal job. This means that you probably beat out dozens, or perhaps even hundreds, of competitors to rank as the hiring agency’s numberRead… Read more »