Yearly Archives: 2009

Annoucements 2.0

At EPA, we have a newly confirmed Administrator-designate, Lisa Jackson. I look forward to working with her team. Our first effort on her behalf was posting her post-confirmation statement and a memo to employees in multiple places: EPA home page, in a banner at the top, in English and Spanish our Facebook page Twitter TheRead… Read more »

SOA is Dead, Will it Become a Zombie?

I came to my own realization that SOA, as an industry term, was on its way out last summer. As a concept, it’s wonderful and some people have accomplished great things by following the SOA paradigm. I found it interesting that Anne Thomas Manes, an industry thought leader in SOA, would be presenting a “SOARead… Read more »

New Acting Director at OPM

I’m waiting for answers on why he did this, but apparently President Obama has appointed an acting Office of Personnel Management director, Kathie Ann Whipple, previously the agency’s deputy general counsel. A couple of things strike me as strange about this….

Government 1.0 + Government 1.0 = Government 2.0

What is Gov 2.0 and the future of government services delivery? Here are Gov 2.0 and the new government services delivery paradigm explained. Government 2.0 creates value for itself, Citizen 2.0, and Business 2.0, by leveraging Web 2.0, the new paradigm of rich, interactive, collaborative, web based services. How does Government 2.0 get started?

Federal Eye: Salazar Challenges Obama to Basketball Game

(See Ed’s Video Report of The Event Here) A formal welcoming ceremony and Q&A session Thursday turned into a basketball recruiting session for Interior Sec. Ken Salazar as he met with the rank-and-file at the department’s headquarters. After some opening remarks, the secretary fielded several questions on department policy and the possible revocation of BushRead… Read more »