Yearly Archives: 2009

Social Media and the Federal Government: Perceived and Real Barriers and Potential Solutions

Social Media and the Federal Government: Perceived and Real Barriers and Potential Solutions SocialMediaFed Govt_BarriersPotentialSolutions.pdf December 23, 2008 Produced by the following members of the Federal Web Managers Council: Bev Godwin, GSA/ (Executive sponsor) Sheila Campbell, GSA/ (Co-chair) Rachel Flagg, Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (Co-chair) Jeffrey Levy, EPA (Co-chair, Social media sub-council) JoyceRead… Read more »

GovLoop Member of the Week

Living in DC during inauguration weekend can be a bit challenging, although extremely exciting as well. For an Arizonian like myself, going outside in 10 degree weather (0 degrees with the windshield) is more than challenging, it’s torture! At any rate, in thinking about whom I would interview for GovLoop, the choice was pretty easy.Read… Read more »

The Terrorist Planning Cycle: Indicators and Clues for Law Enforcement

Read the full article HERE at The Thin Blue Online. The recent events in Mumbai have again demonstrated the importance of the the uniformed law enforcement officer as the front line of defense against terrorism. Based on initial reports from the interrogation of the surviving terrorist (one of ten), there are several pieces of informationRead… Read more »

Cell Phone PsyOps – How To Text Fear

Full article HERE at The Thin Blue Online As the conflict between Israel and Hamas keeps going, some new and not-so-new tactics are being used by each side – cell phone PsyOps (psychological operations). From Ynet News: The message read: “Rockets on all cities, shelters not protect, Qassam rocket, Hamas.” A source in Hamas militaryRead… Read more »

Technology in Law Enforcement. What about Web 2.0?

Technology in Law Enforcement? I was having a conversation the other day with a newly appointed Chief of Police, Ray Douglas, from a small town close to Memphis. This newly sworn-in Chief was going through the process of determining what capabilities his staff had and what they lacked. During my conversation with Ray, I askedRead… Read more »

Cops 2.0

I want to tell you about a really cool site that is being built and looks like it is going to be a great tool! Go to: You will find resources that are helpful to departments that want to go to the next level. The fact is that modern law enforcement will utilize theseRead… Read more »