Yearly Archives: 2009

Great Example of CFC Fundraising Appeal – Non-profit Charity Fundraising

Folks, I’m new to govloop and just want to say “thank you” to everyone who participates, and especially to those that had the idea and madie it real. It’s a great addition to the broader community, I’m now also out of Federal government, doing consulting and leadership training about workplace giving, including the Combined FederalRead… Read more »

Looking for Psychological or Educational Evaluation Tests?

The National Library of Medicine (NLM) responds to more than 100,000 questions each year. Regularly asked questions become Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). NLM Reference and Consumer Health FAQs are at . We review and update our FAQs frequently. FAQs often include national and international government agencies and non-profit organizations. One of our FAQs isRead… Read more »

How and Why I Friend Who I Do and Where

I started using Facebook and Twitter as professional experiments. I needed to know about these sites to decide whether and how EPA should use them. I also had a LinkedIn account that sat unused for years, and I joined GovLoop. Along the way, I set up accounts on Slideshare and Scribd to share my presentationsRead… Read more »

Need Examples of creative Government uses of Facebook & Social Media for book

Hi everyone — I am writing a book — Facebook Marketing: An Hour a Day for Sybex/Wiley Publishing. We will have a chapter that includes a lot of information on Facebook Marketing for government agencies/scenarios. I’m looking for a few great, creative examples from you to highlight in the book. Who broke through the challengesRead… Read more »

Focused Crisis Communications Saves Savings and Loan

So how prepared are you, really, for a disaster? How often do you review and update your crisis communications plan? How frequently do your spokespeople go through a refresher media training course? And have they been prepped in working with different types of media and different challenging scenarios? Those organizations with actual plans that areRead… Read more »

The Art of Blogging

The Art of Blogging Lately I’ve been a little off my natural state of blogging on GovLoop. Since I launched GovLoop 18 months ago, I’ve done a significant amount of blogging. But in a sense it comes and goes… I think it is a lot like working out. When you are on the good train,Read… Read more »

Cloud Computing Conference & Expo

Cloud Computing 2010: Focus on Operational Efficiency and Security The Administration is taking an increased interest in the federal government’s move to cloud computing as a potential solution to capacity and complexity challenges as well as reducing IT maintenance costs. More attention must be paid to areas where the government has successfully implemented cloud solutionsRead… Read more »

Not for Emergency Use! Coast Guard’s placing disclaimers on some sites

Over the summer, July in fact, I wrote a piece on CGBlog about the potential pitfalls of an organization such as ours would have if they didn’t thoroughly think out their social media strategy (The Coast Guards problem of Social Media Liability). The post honed in on the fact that the Twitter generation would, unlessRead… Read more »

Big News – GovLoop Announces AwesomeGov Fund!

I’m super excited to announce today the launch of the “AwesomeGov” Fund. As I went full-time on GovLoop, I wanted to ensure that giving back and doing good was 100% integrated into our core mission, values, and operations. I’m a big believer in social entrepreneurship – companies like Tom’s shoes that donate one pair ofRead… Read more »