Yearly Archives: 2009

Medical Procedure Costs Resources at the National Library of Medicine® (NLM®)

The National Library of Medicine (NLM) responds to more than 100,000 questions each year. Regularly asked questions become Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). NLM Reference and Consumer Health FAQs are at We review and update our FAQs frequently. The FAQ resources include national and international government agencies and non-profit organizations. Three of our FAQs areRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: ACORN Institute still eligible for CFC, despite concerns

Federal employees can continue to make charitable contributions to a nonprofit affiliate of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now through the government’s annual workplace charity campaign despite the concerns of a Republican lawmaker. As part of an investigation into ACORN’s activities, Sen. Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa) in late September asked Office of PersonnelRead… Read more »

US-Australia Collaboration

Hi Everyone, I am sitting here at the Executive Leadership Conference in Williamsburg, VA, with Paul Adler, US Business Development Manager for the Australian Trade Commission (Austrade), an Australian government organization. We are engaging in a quick live tour of GovLoop. Paul facilitates collaboration and conversations between the US and Australian governments on a rangeRead… Read more »

Weekly TSP Wrap-up from TSP Talk

Hi everyone – It’s your govloop weekly dose of TSP Talk from Last week was a volatile week for the stock market as 4 of the 5 trading days ended with the Dow Jones being up or down 90 or more points; two of those were up, and two were down. We had aRead… Read more »

Innovation according to California CTO PK

Listening to California CTO who is dropping some knowledge: -Titled Reinventing “We the People” -People coming into elected office now understand power of IT -Showing Governor race of California by Twitter followers -Different set of people coming into office -The medium is the mssage -511,000 political races X $10k = $5.1 billion market over 4Read… Read more »

Lessons Learned From Rapid Acquisition of the MRAP

From The Acquisition Corner There has been some discussion recently on a case study of shortening the procurement cycle from the lessons learned of the Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicle. The MRAP is an armored all-terrain vehicle whose purchase and desire for rapid deployment was motivated by the continuing deaths of troops in IraqRead… Read more »

ELC and The New Era of Innovation

This week (starting last week) I’ll be attending the ACT/IAC annual event Executive Leadership Conference. It’s a pretty big conference in the 700-800 range of mainly federal IT leaders. The theme of the conference is “A New Era of Innovation.” Lots of sessions on new technology and all the opportunities and challenges. I’ll try toRead… Read more »